Change of work or 8 reasons to stay in the old place
Question shift work sooner or later comes up almost in front of anyhard worker. The accumulated fatigue, constant conflicts with the leadership, a small salary - these and from fifty other reasons make us seriously think about the change of work, or even the field of activity. But is it so easy to give up?

Change of place of work or field of activity is an important and responsible step. Therefore, the reasons that prompted such a step should be considered objectively and impartially. There are at least 8 reasons for changing jobs, on closer examination of which the situation turns out to be completely solvable even without this cardinal measure.

Fatigue is one of the popular reasons for changing jobs. It is fatigue that makes all life's colors fade, and work turns into an unreasonably heavy burden. Change of work in this case appears as a release, "finding wings."

If you want to change jobs because of fatigue,then it's much better to take a vacation. Far from working worries, you can relax and think carefully about your decision. And if even after rest it will still be in force, then at least you will know that it is taken objectively.

The departure of colleagues is another typical reason for changing jobs. Undoubtedly, mutual understanding and good relations inlabor collective - a very important factor for the comfort of every employee. However, even the leaving of colleagues with whom you communicated perfectly does not put an end to your further relationships in the work collective. You can just as well make friends and get along with new employees.

Especially do not change jobs, if the care of colleagues associated with the transition to another company, in their opinion more promising. If you think about changing jobs, you are encouragedjust such motives, it is worth remembering that not "for taste and color - there are no comrades," and your views on the prospects and prestige of the work may not coincide with the views of colleagues. Assess the advantages and disadvantages of changing jobs for yourself.

One of the most unattractive reasons for changing jobs is trying to "annoy" colleagues and management, to prove in this way his professionalconsistency. First, there are no irreplaceable people and even if you leave, there will certainly be employees able to take on your responsibilities. Secondly, after such an act in the memory of former colleagues and superiors you will remain as a very unreliable employee.

If your friends and relatives think that your current job is not right for you, then this too can cause a change of job. Do not succumb to pressure and remember: You work for yourself, not for others. If everything suits you in your work, try to explain it as correctly as possible to your relatives - they only wish you well.

Do I need to change jobs if you do not like your guide? In this case, you should divide the subjectiveand the objective factors of their discontent. You do not like the way the boss talks, his yellow shoes or tie is not in the tone? These are subjective reasons - you can safely discard them: you do not have to love someone. You just need to maintain a minimal contact with the boss to keep your communication to a minimum.

But if the behavior of the boss and the manner of leadership is notallow the company to achieve high results, if due to this the interests of the collective suffer, then this can already become a real reason for changing jobs.

And, finally, Material dissatisfaction is almost the most common reason for job change. On the one hand, it seems fair to youthe desire to receive more money for the same work. But think, will the $ 50 increase bring the desired satisfaction from work? Maybe social guarantees and career prospects "outweigh" this increase?

Change of work or 8 reasons to stay in the old place
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