Diet Kovalkov: weight loss plus recovery
The technique of the famous Russian doctor-nutritionistAlexei Kovalkov is very popular and effective. The program helps not only to reduce body weight, but also contributes to the complex restoration of metabolism. Diet allows you to completely rebuild the diet and go into the phase of healthy eating.
The Kovalov system has several advantages:
stabilization of metabolism;
purification of the body, removal of toxins;
lack of hunger;
A qualitative result and its preservation in the future.
Diet allows you to eat your favorite foodsproducts, but in a reasonable amount. This approach excludes the development of stress against the backdrop of constant restrictions. The technique of Dr. Kovalkov has become one of the most effective in the world.
The main rule of the diet is the use of foods withlow glycemic index (less than 50). The doctor believes that carbohydrates with a high index contribute to the development of obesity, and advises completely to exclude them from the diet, even in the first stages of the program.
Stages of Kovalkov's diet
During the first stage, normalization takes placefunctions of the gastrointestinal tract. Every morning it is necessary to drink a glass of warm, purified water. In the diet gradually introduced low-fat milk, eggs, sour-milk products.
In the second stage, the use of low-fat varieties of fish and meat, cottage cheese with a low percentage of fat content, any seafood, mushrooms is permitted.
At the third stage, fixing is achievedthe result. The body becomes accustomed to such a system of nutrition, there is a restoration of metabolic work and weight reduction. The last phase should last a lifetime, but do not get scared. Sometimes you can afford to eat sweet and other high-calorie meals, drink a little alcohol. However, the next day after the feast, it is recommended to spend a fasting day on the principle of the first phase.
Diet Kovalkov: a menu with examples
Meals a dietician recommends at least 5. The first phase is designed for 14-25 days. Perhaps it will seem a bit complicated because of unusual rules. We must endure this period, because it will become much easier. Example of the first stage diet:
breakfast: 250 ml of natural yogurt with the addition of bran or nuts, green tea without sugar;
second breakfast: two apples;
lunch: vegetable salad with vegetable or olive oil;
Afternoon snack: apple or orange;
dinner: two boiled eggs, tea without sugar.
Examples of the second stage menu:
breakfast: yoghurt with nuts or bran, a small piece of black bread;
second breakfast: a glass of fruit or vegetable natural juice;
lunch: stewed vegetables with chicken fillet, low-fat cottage cheese;
Afternoon snack: 300 g of fruit;
dinner: two boiled eggs, vegetable salad.
The second stage should last from 1 to 3 months.
The goal of the third stage is to stabilize the result. The rules of this stage:
Exclusion of premium flour, sugar, refined rice. It is rare to eat a little chocolate or baking;
the use of carbohydrates with a high glycemic index no later than 6 pm;
Do not mix fast carbohydrates with fatty foods. Slow carbohydrates can be combined with fats.
The results of dieting
Diet gives the fastest effect on the firsttwo stages. For the first month, weight loss on average is from 5 to 10 kg, and for the second you can lose another 2 to 5 kg. Then there is a delay in weight. This is a common occurrence that needs to be waited. During the third stage, correction of the remaining defects of the figure and complete normalization of the metabolic processes are achieved. The first weeks can not be easy, there may be mood swings, rapid fatigue. However, the process subsequently becomes easy and not burdensome.
As evidenced by the Kovalkov diet reviews,this technique teaches you to stop forever attacking the refrigerator, doing snacks on the go and eating because of nervous strains. By the way, snacks with the observance of this system are prohibited, especially when the metabolism reorganization begins.
Before deciding on a diet for Kowalkov,it is important to analyze your health well. If there are serious chronic ailments, the technique is allowed only on the advice of a specialist.