Diet for weight loss from Dr. Sergei Agapkin

Proper nutrition, a healthy lifestyle,weight loss without health consequences - topics that are currently very relevant. Among many methods of losing weight apart is the diet of Sergei Agapkin, which allows you to get rid of extra pounds without starvation and grueling physical exertion.

Who is Sergey Agapkin

The method of recovery of Sergei Agapkin becamepopular in 2010, when its author was invited as a host on the television program "On the most important". Meanwhile, in narrow circles he has been known for a long time, and in different hypostases - as a physician and specialist in physiology and physiotherapy, rector of the Institute of Traditional Health Systems, chairman of the Moscow Yoga Society, Ph.D.

Strictly speaking, the food system proposeddoctor, can not be called a diet in the usual sense, rather, it's recommendations, the adherence to which will get rid of excess kilograms, improve your well-being and gain self-confidence. Dr. Agapkin emphasizes at the same time that getting rid of excess weight is a long process, so do not wait for quick results and drop your hands if the effect is not noticeable right away.

The basic rules of the diet of Dr. Agapkin

1. It is necessary to include yogurt, yogurt and ryazhenka in the diet, as they contain a lot of useful substances, but at the same time they are low-calorie. In this case, we should not forget that the use of sour-milk products is contraindicated for people with chronic diseases of the intestine and stomach (for example, suffering from gastritis).

2. Contrary to popular belief about the benefits of green tea, the diet of Sergei Agapkin suggests abandoning it, since this drink is rich in purines, an overabundance of which is a danger to the joints.

3. Refusal of confectionery products and sugar is a principle standard for the vast majority of diets. Sweets can be replaced with dried fruits and honey.

4. Gradually increasing physical load - advice, which, like the previous one, is very common. The optimal forms of exercise doctor calls swimming, aqua aerobics, running at a moderate pace

5. The use of foods rich in fiber, which improves the condition of the stomach, intestines and all digestive organs.

6. Inclusion in the daily diet of bran (not less than 20 grams). At the same time, Dr. Agapkin advises you to consult with a specialist before starting reception, since there are certain contraindications to this kind of recovery.

7. Refusal of alcohol, which is not only harmful in itself, but at the same time slows down the metabolism and contributes to the appearance of extra pounds. The ban also includes fast food, modified fats and carbonated drinks.

8. It is necessary to take food more often (at least five times a day), but at the same time halving the single portions and not overeating - another rule of Dr. Agapkin's diet.

9. It should be abandoned any medicines that help to reduce weight. The effect of their admission, according to Dr. Agapkin, if there is, then very short. Moreover, there is a risk of internal diseases, so "healthy" this way to lose weight can not be called.

It is worth noting that currently on the Internetyou can see a lot of sites that offer the development of an individual diet, taking into account the recommendations of Sergei Agapkin. The doctor himself warns that fraudsters act in a similar way, therefore, in no case should one respond to such appeals. The principles of the diet of Sergei Agapkin are universal enough and simple and anyone can get acquainted with them absolutely free, both on our website and on others.

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