Perfect pair: TOP-4 best combinations of products

Nutritionists warn about the dangers of products,which should not be combined in one dish. But what about those that perfectly match each other, bringing the maximum benefit to the body? In our list - products "companions" for a tasty and healthy menu.

Perfect pair: TOP-4 best combinations of products

Oatmeal and medium-fat milk. Flakes contain a large amount of magnesium - an element involved in the recovery of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. Calcium strengthens the bone structure, reducing the risk of exacerbation of osteochondrosis and neuralgia. The combination of these substances is especially effective for a weakened organism, increasing its resistance to diseases. It is important only not to add sugar to the "magic" porridge - its effect reduces the activity of calcium and magnesium. It is best to use natural ingredients: bananas, honey, figs.

Perfect pair: TOP-4 best combinations of products

Buckwheat porridge and lean poultry. Groats are a source of vitamin B6, which dissolves in the blood into enzymes necessary for the synthesis of important hormones. It is assimilated by zinc - that is why buckwheat groats should be supplemented with a steak of chicken or turkey.

Perfect pair: TOP-4 best combinations of products

Olive oil and sweet pepper. Without carotene, which is in red pepper, the body can not do: this substance is an immunostimulant and antioxidant, improving immunity and increasing resistance to cancers. Unsaturated fats from olive oil dissolve carotene, strengthening its active effect.

Perfect pair: TOP-4 best combinations of products

Honey and fresh ginger. Ginger drink with the addition of honey provides antiviral protection, cleanses the skin at the cellular level and suppresses pathogenic bacteria.

Perfect pair: TOP-4 best combinations of products

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