Cheese DietCheese is one of the most delicious dairy products. The number of sorts of cheese is amazing: in France alone they produce more than 400, and in the whole world - more than 2000. Cheese is very useful for the body, and it can help you lose weight, because there is a special cheese diet.

Cheese has a high nutritional value - it contains up to 60% of milk fat and up to 25% of proteins. But the proteins of the cheese are absorbed by the body better than milk. In general, our body absorbs nutrients in cheese almost completely. Cheese contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B12, C, D, E, PP, as well as calcium, phosphorus and other minerals.

Cheese diet refers to low-carbohydrate. The principle of its operation is as follows. The priority source of energy for the body is carbohydrates. When we begin to eat mainly cheese, we reduce the consumption of carbohydrates, and the body must receive food from fats and proteins (which in the cheese abound). At the same time, he does not store fat reserves, but consumes them, because he needs additional energy to assimilate fats and proteins.

Compared with other diets based onlowered intake of carbohydrates and increased protein (for example, a meat diet), the cheese diet is more sparing, because the proteins in the cheese are well absorbed by the body. But in any case, do not follow this diet for more than ten days. You do not need to repeat it for more than two months. The diet of the cheese diet is based on non-fat solid cheeses (fat content - 10-12%).

Classical cheese diet

This kind of cheese diet is based on a fractional six meals a day every two hours. The diet during the diet is the following:

8.00 - a cup of green tea or natural coffee without sugar

10.00 - boiled egg (preferably soft-boiled)

12.00 - low-fat boiled meat or ham (100 g)

14.00 - low-fat cheese (100 g)

16.00 - low-fat curd without additives (250 g)

18.00 - a glass of low-fat kefir

In addition, you need to drink at least 2 liters of clean water every day. The cheese diet lasts 10 days. Since there are practically no sources of vitamins in the diet, additionally take multivitamins.

Another version of the cheese diet

This cheese diet is also designed for ten days. It also provides a split meal every two hours - but 7 times a day. Sitting on this diet is offered such a diet:

8.00 - a cup of coffee without sugar, a slice of rye bread, a pair of pieces of low-fat cheese

10.00 - boiled hard-boiled egg, a piece of low-fat cheese

12.00 - fresh vegetables or a salad of them, fresh fruit

14.00 - low-fat cheese (100 g)

16.00 - low-fat curd without additives (250 g)

18.00 - a glass of low-fat kefir, natural yoghurt without additives

20.00 - a glass of low-fat kefir

Unloading wine-cheese diet

If you do not want to or can not stay on a diet for a long time, you can try unloading wine-cheese diet. On it you can sit a day, a maximum of two. For a day of such an unloading diet, you can lose about a pound of weight. Arrange such days off better on the weekends or during the holidays - it is unlikely that your superiors will be delighted if during the working day you will drink wine.

Sitting on this diet, you need to eat five times a day70 g of low-fat cheese with one dry loaf, washed down with 50 ml of white wine. Between meals you need to drink water or green tea without sugar - at least 1.5 liters per day. But keep in mind that such unloading days will fit only healthy young people, and without consulting a doctor they should not be conducted.


As with any other diet, the cheese diet has its contraindications. It can not be landed on people who haveproblems with the gastrointestinal tract - a high protein content can only exacerbate them. Also, it is contraindicated in diabetes, cardiovascular and some other diseases, so before the diet should consult a doctor.

Cheese Diet
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