And if you quit training? ..
Many people who have long been engaged in fitness,The question interests: what will happen if you stop training? Especially it worries about building muscle mass. After all, there is an opinion that if you stop doing, then eventually the muscles will turn into fat. Is it true?
Yes and no. Starting to engage in the gym, a person changes his natural figure. The body, adapting to increased stress, increases muscle, burning fats. If you stop training, then the body gradually returns to a state close to the one in which it was originally. That is, if a person was fat, he becomes fat, and if - a lean, his muscle mass is reduced.
But the muscles themselves do not disappear. Even after many years you will be able to distinguish a person who was engaged in power training, from the others. But the big role at кажек plays the raised or increased metabolism: they need to eat very densely according to a mode. After stopping the exercise, the metabolism comes back to normal, but there is a lot of habit left. And as the energy is no longer spent in the gym, the food turns into fat. And often the former pitching turns into huge shapeless bouncers.
Training with breathing exercisesstrengthen the heart and the vascular system. Without such aerobic exercises, the body's work is on a decline. But, of course, you should not be afraid that you will lose everything you have achieved. A break in training means the loss of many sports achievements, depending on the individual physical condition. But a well-trained athlete who has devoted enough time to aerobic pursuits will retain his form even if he had to give up training for several months.
Aerobic exercise increases the body's abilityabsorb oxygen, transport it to tissues and use it to oxidize the necessary substances. In well-trained athletes, the indicator of this ability rapidly falls in the first three weeks after the termination of training, although later this process slows down. And for people with low or medium aerobic training, for 20 days, the lack of training does not work practically in any way. But then the indicator of the state of the cardiovascular system begins to fall with catastrophic rapidity and reaches a very low level in a very short time.
Perennial aerobic training contributesthe increase in the heart, but how does the cessation of training affect the size of this organ and the thickness of its walls, is still not exactly known. But the filling of the pulse (the amount of blood pumped with each heart beat) with the termination of training decreases. Studies show that in 12 days the pulse loses 10% of its content, and in two weeks - about 12%. According to scientists, this is due to a general decrease in the volume of blood and plasma.
The lack of training also suffers strength,endurance and sportsmanship in general. Even very well trained athletes without training lose their power. For example, swimmers after 4 weeks without classes lose 13.6% of maximum strength of hands. Runners for long distances 15 days after the end of training endurance is reduced by 25%. However, losses can not be avoided, although they will each have their own depending on the physical form, experience, habitual intensity of training, etc. But in order to maintain its shape, it is better not to stop all physical activity. If circumstances forced you to quit power, in any case, you can do walking, biking or skiing.