How to replace mascarpone at home?Mascarpone cheese is one of the mainingredients of such a popular dessert as tiramisu. And in various other dishes, he finds wide application. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to use this cheese at home: mascarpone can still not be found in every store. How to replace mascarpone at home, the Country of Soviets will tell.

Mascarpone cheese is cream cheese, which was first made in Italianthe region of Lombardy in the beginning of the XVII century. In the very first recipes, mascarpone used cream from buffalo milk, but then use cream of cow's milk. Today mascarpone cheese is used for making various desserts, sandwiches, baked goods.

In industrial production Mascarpone cheese is obtained from fat cream (25%), in which tartaric acid is added. Cream for some time heated to a strictly defined temperature (in different formulations from 75 ° C to 90 ° C), and then the resulting mass is suspended in linen bags to remove the serum. The finished product acquires a delicate creamy consistency and delicious taste.

In mascarpone stores it is quite expensive, and, as already mentioned, you can not buy iteverywhere. Therefore, before the domestic housewives, who want to prepare meals with this cheese, and the question arises: how to replace mascarpone? There are several options for replacing the famous Italian cream cheese.

For the first variant of mascarpone replacement you will need yolks, sugar, milk or 10% cream,Ricotta cheese, as well as whipped cream 35% fat. Milk with yolks and sugar should be mixed and cooked for 2-3 minutes. Then add Ricotta cheese and whipped cream to the mass. The substitute mascarpone is ready.

The second variant of mascarpone replacement includes cream cheese, fatty cream, and softened butter. All these ingredients need to be mixed and used in dishes instead of mascarpone. The taste is quite similar.

What else to replace mascarpone? Many domestic housewives recommend forsubstitute mascarpone use fatty cottage cheese, whipped with cream until a thick, uniform mass is obtained. Well-established as a substitute mascarpone is also the Philadelphia cheese (however, it's not very easy to get it too). But there is an even more interesting option.

It turns out, instead of replacing mascarpone with something, you can cook this cheese at home. Prepare his house usually according to the traditionalrecipe, only tartaric acid is replaced with lemon juice or diluted citric acid water. From 1 liter of creamy cream and half a lemon juice, about 500 g of finished cheese is obtained.

Some "adapted" recipes for mascarpone at home, instead of cream include fatsour cream (from 20%) and milk. The result, according to the reviews of those who tried to prepare mascarpone from sour cream, is very similar to the original product, but the cost of the mascarpone is very low. This option is ideal for "economical" tiramisu or another dish with mascarpone.

So, the options for replacing mascarpone or evenThere are many recipes for the preparation of this cream cheese. The main thing is to choose the one that suits you. As it turns out, you can not spend a lot of money to buy expensive ingredients where they can be replaced with cheaper but at the same quality products. Let your dishes with mascarpone or its substitutes turn out tasty and useful!

How to replace mascarpone at home?
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