Autism in adults

Problems in communicating with other people canbe a sign of both usual shyness and some mental abnormalities, for example, autism. And if earlier autism was diagnosed mainly in children, then today it is no less common autism in adults, which has already acquired the character of an epidemic.
Life in your personal world is enougha common form of self-preservation to date. A modern man, who runs away from reality in the jungle of his inner world, has long been no longer something threatening for the society. It is not surprising, because who wants to listen to other people's problems and even more so - the results of successful achievements? Thus, a person is hiding in a shell, tightly protecting him from external stimuli. There he feels comfortable and at ease, not noticing how gradually he is weaned from the need for communication. Violation of the apparatus of communication entails a complex form of psychosis, which is called autism.
Do not forget that first of all, autism is a violation of the brain. Scientists believe that the disease is transmittedgenetically, but it is not ruled out that damage to the brain can be the cause of brain damage. In addition, prolonged chronic depression also contributes to the development of this disease. Autism in adults manifests itself as the influence of external stimuli on the psyche.
Exist several types of autism: Kanner's syndrome, Asperger's syndrome, Rett syndrome and atypical autism. All types of autism have both genetic and acquired character of the disease, but atypical autism manifests itself at an older age, therefore it is characterized as an autism in adults.
At some point, an adult, often successfula person closes in himself and is afraid of panic any manifestations of communication. He tries to isolate himself as soon as possible from a society in which he is uncomfortable. The reasons for this are quite blurred and, as a rule, are manifested due to auto-suggestion. At the same time, a person is clearly convinced of the correctness of his conjectures and justifies this behavior by the fact that alone with himself he feels more confident and productive.
Autism in adults develops rather quickly, butbegins almost imperceptibly. You can not remember at what point your close or familiar person stopped smiling at you and began to greet you with reluctance. At first glance, this is a seasonal depression, a malfunction in the family or at work, discontent with some external factors. Thus the person does not share with you problems, and you calmly react to display of his indifference, passivity or on the contrary - excessive irritability.
After a while, you begin to observe significant changes in the behavior of your relatives or acquaintances. The person becomes indifferent to everything, tries to avoid not only noisy companies butand ordinary dialogue. In his facial expressions and gestures, there is some kind of numbness, uncertainty, stammering, nervous tic. A person loses interest absolutely to everything. He does not care what happens in the world, on the street and even in his own family. He is difficult to contact with colleagues, neighbors, and is afraid of verbal communication in supermarkets and social organizations.
The autist is inclined to forgetfulness, absent-mindedness,. If such a person is asked about something important- be sure, he will not only not fulfill the request, but will also fall out of real time. Knocking on or calling him afterwards is almost impossible. What is still characteristic of autism in adults is that such people do not feel guilt about themselves.
It is necessary immediately to address to the psychiatrist or the neuropathologist who are obliged correctly to diagnose the reason of such behavior. Autism in adults is even more dangerous than childhood autism, because this disease, manifested latermany years, is able to disarm a person, to bring him to the extreme of mental imbalance. In addition, autism negatively affects working capacity and family relationships.
People with autism or with a fullform of the disease should not despair and give up. A good psychotherapist, whose help is needed in this case, should explain to you, your family and friends, that autistic is not an outcast and not a hermit.
A person with autism is nothingdifferent from others, the formed personality, which is more convenient to produce some good and resources, being in a closed state. We can say that an autist is not like everyone else, but we should not forget that outstanding talented individuals were not always socially progressive, although they occupied significant places in the history of the planet. Autism suffered such outstanding personalities as Abraham Lincoln, Leonardo da Vinci, Andy Warhol, Bob Dylan, Courtney Love, Vincent Van Gogh, Virginia Woolf.
Autism in adults, unfortunately, does not cure,but constant psychological support to a person with such a disease is necessary. For a long time it was thought that autistics are mentally retarded people, but as they grew older it became clear that Autism in adults was transformed into ingenious ideas and original approaches to solving complex problems, which is beyond the power even of scientists with a certain knowledge base.