We cook a useful compote of rose hips for the winter: a recipe with a photo

One of the most basic blanks for the winter from the dog rose is, of course, compotes. Along with jam made from wild roses, compote made of rose hips represents a great health benefit.

First of all, this is the supply of the human bodyvitamin C, which is especially important in the winter. If these words persuaded you to cook the compote from this berry, then in this case, when studying the material of this article, you can easily prepare it by choosing one of the simple recipes.

A little bit about the use of dog rose

The hips contain varioususeful vitamins and substances like calcium, magnesium, potassium and iron, and if you follow all the recommendations for preparing compote, then the maximum of all substances will remain in the berries. But there are some contraindications: the patient with ulcer, gastritis, hypotension, thrombophlebitis, circulatory disorders, undesirable use of products made from wild rose berries. In other cases, compote helps to reduce weight, improve digestion and kidney function, and increase overall immunity of the body.

How to cook compote from dry dogrose. The recipe for the winter

Ingredients for compote: dried wild rose - a pound, granulated sugar - about a kilogram (700-800 grams), juice of one orange and its peel, as well as 2 cinnamon sticks.


1. Boil 1.5 liters of water in a saucepan, then cool and in still warm water lower the dry rose, let it brew for about 10 hours. After soaking, collect the fruit with a colander and filter through a thin cloth or special filter for the coffee machine. Then, briar berries cut and carefully remove all the seeds, as well as hairs.

We cook a useful compote of rose hips for the winter: a recipe with a photo

2. Water, which insisted dog rose, put again on the fire, put in a pan with water sticks of cinnamon, sugar and orange peel. On a low heat, bring the infusion to a boil, and then wait for the sugar to dissolve in the boiling water. After that, put the dog rose and add the orange juice. Remove the syrup together with the rose hips from the plate, close the lid and leave to cool for 10-12 hours.

3. With the help of a colander, collect the wild rose berries and pack them in small sterilized jars. Syrup again put on a plate, bring to a boiling state and cook for five minutes. Fill the syrup with berries in jars. Cover and sterilize for 10-12 minutes in boiling water, then roll down the jars.

We make compote of apples and dogrose

For cooking, take ripe apples that do not havewormholes and rot. You can cut apples into several pieces, or you can leave whole. Berries of hips before processing prepare, removing seeds and hairs. Ingredients are as follows: for 500 grams of dog rose - 2 liters of water, 1.5 kilograms of apples and a kilogram of granulated sugar.

Sterilize the jars and tin lids,put in them washed and prepared apples and dogrose. Next, prepare the sugar syrup: add sugar to the water, bring to a boiling state and cook until the sugar is completely dissolved. Pour the hot syrup into the jars and sterilize the compote for about 20 minutes in hot water, and then tighten the lids tightly.

Useful tips how to make compote of dog rose tastier:

  • Use cinnamon sticks - a rosehip drink with it will be more flavorful and tasty;

  • in order that the compote had a beautiful shade,During cooking, add the raw egg white to the syrup - it absorbs various impurities contained in the sugar. After cooking, fold the protein;

  • banks close tightly only after they are sterilized;

  • in winter, you can prepare a jelly from compote.

Author: Katerina Sergeenko

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