Strawberry jam-five-minute
Many housewives love to cook jam-five-minute. First, this method of cooking is less laborious, and secondly, the berries in the jam keep their shape, and they retain more vitamins. How to cook strawberry jam-five-minute?
Jam-pyatiminutku usually do without adding water: only berries and sugar, sometimes add more citric acid. In the process of cooking, the berries themselves will be given juice, the main thing is to make sure that they do not burn out. Sometimes the sugar-filled berries are cooked for several hours before cooking and cooked in syrup, which turns out by itself, when the sugar gradually dissolves in the secreted juice.
Strawberry jam-five-minute: option 1
Brew jam-five-minute from strawberries is very simple. Here is one of the most common recipes of this jam. We need three 350-gram cans:
fresh strawberry - 1 kg
sugar - 400 g
Strawberry and remove the stems. We put the berries in a bowl or any other deep container and fall asleep with sugar. For 4-5 hours put the berries in the refrigerator, so they let the juice.
We shift the strawberries together with the syrup insaucepan or basin, bring to a boil on low heat, remove the foam and cook for another five minutes. Hot jam is poured over dry sterilized jars, roll. We put it upside down for cooling.
Strawberry jam-five-minute: option 2
Here is another version of the jam-five-minute strawberry; jam is brewed in several receptions, which in sum are the same five minutes, in addition, it adds lemon juice. We need to prepare such ingredients:
sugar - 1 kg
fresh strawberry - 500 g
lemon (medium) - 1 pc.
Washed and peeled strawberries from the stemspour out into the cooking tank, fall asleep with sugar and leave for 4 hours, until the strawberry will not let the juice. Then put the container with the strawberries on the fire and, stirring, bring to a boil.
After boiling, cook for exactly a minute and immediatelyremove the container from the fire. After letting the mixture cool down, put it back on the fire and cook for a minute after boiling. We cool the jam a second time, add the lemon juice, cook for three minutes after boiling. Hot jam is poured into prepared cans, corking.
Five minutes from strawberries in three meals
This strawberry jam-pyatiminutka differs from the classical: berries are cooked in three meals for five minutes, in addition, for the preparation of syrup, water is used. To make a jam on this recipe, we'll take:
1.5 kg of fresh strawberries
1.5 kg of sugar
1 tbsp. water
Strawberry is cleared from the pedicels, washed andwe throw it back to the colander to make the glass water. From the water and sugar, cook the syrup in the jam container. We lower the berries into it, bring it to a boil and cook for five minutes. If you want jam with whole berries, a bowl needs to be shaken from time to time, and to get a jelly-like jam it is mixed with a wooden spatula.
After letting the mixture cool down, again bring it to the boiland cook for five minutes. Then repeat the procedure (in total, three cooks are cooked for five minutes each). Hot jam is poured over the sterilized jars, rolled up and wrapped until completely cooled.
Jam-five-minute snack from strawberries
But the recipe for a quick jam from strawberries. For its preparation we will need to take:
fresh strawberries - 3 kg
sugar - 1 kg
citric acid - 5 g
Ripe strawberries thoroughly washed in running water, cleaned from the stems and covered with sugar. We put the container with the berries on the fire, bring to a boil and cook for five minutes on a moderate fire.
Add the citric acid, stir and in a hot kind we pour the jam over the prepared jars, immediately seal it sealed. Turn the jars down and let them cool down.
Bon Appetit!