Feijoa with honey, a recipe with a photo

Feijoa with honey is both a treat andmedicine. It has a beneficial restorative, immunostimulating effect on the body, helping us to remain healthy for as long as possible even during a fierce cold. In addition, such an easy-to-prepare dessert will be unusually tasty and appropriate when served for tea or as a filling for any baking. In a word, this dish is the trend of the autumn-winter season!

Feijoa with honey and walnuts: a recipe with a photo

Necessary ingredients:

  • feijoa - 0,5 kg

  • honey - 3 tbsp. l.

  • walnuts - 150-200 g

Feijoa with honey, a recipe with a photo

Cooking method:

  • Reconsider the fruits, take the ripe already ripe -Soft, thinning light aroma. Wealthy for this dish will not suit us. Rinse the feijoa thoroughly under a cold stream of running water, dry on a towel or napkin and then remove the tiny inflorescences on the sides.

  • Remove the peel or not - a question for an amateur. However, remember that the tartness of the juicy-green skin will remain in any case, no matter how sweet the delicacy was, so many still prefer to use vegetable peelings. The berries must be cut finely enough: take them one at a time and cut into 6-8 pieces, depending on the size.

  • Place the sliced ​​fruit in a container of the required volume, add the peeled nuts (if desired, they can be further grinded) and the whole serving of honey.

  • Before use, the mass must berefrigerator for several hours. For convenience, a mixture of feijoa and honey is recommended to store in a clean dry jar under a hermetically sealed polyethylene lid.

Feijoa with honey, a recipe with a photo

Feijoa with honey and lemon: a step-by-step recipe

Necessary ingredients:

  • feijoa - 700 g

  • honey - 250-300 ml

  • lemon - 1-2 pieces

  • nuts - 200 g

Cooking method:

  • Choose ripe or ripening fruits, rinse and dry them, then treat them on the sides, removing dry tails. You do not need to peel the feijoa from the peel, just cut them into halves or quarters.

  • Feijoa with honey, a recipe with a photo

  • Lemons carefully wash and also dry, cut into slices, along the way removing the bones, and then combine together with the berries. Shred the composition with a blender.

  • Peel the cracked nuts into small pieces, add to the main ingredients, top with honey and again use a blender, giving the mass a more or less uniform consistency.

  • A ready-made vitamin mix of feijoa with honey and lemon should be spread out in jars and stored in a refrigerator. Bon Appetit!

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