Chicken with honeyDespite the fact that many housewivesthe phrase "sweet chicken" may seem absurd, the sweetish tint does not spoil the taste of chicken meat, but, on the contrary, enriches it. Chicken with honey, for example, is one of the most delicious and at the same simple in cooking dishes, suitable for both festive and everyday table.

Chicken in honey

Here is one of the simplest recipes of chicken baked with honey sauce. To prepare this dish we will need such ingredients:

  • chicken weighing about 1.2 kg

  • 250 ml of milk

  • 125 ml of liquid honey

  • 4 tbsp. l. melted butter

  • 1 tbsp. l. flour

  • Salt and pepper - to taste

We wash the chicken, drain it and cut it intoportioned pieces. Oven warm up to 180 degrees. Pieces of chicken lay out on a baking sheet, sprinkle with flour, pepper and salt. Pour the chicken with the melted butter and bake for 20 minutes.

Honey is mixed with milk (if it is not liquid, you canwarm it in a water bath, but you can not give honey to boil). We take out the chicken from the oven, fill it with a honey-and-milk mixture and bake for another half an hour.

Chicken with honey and mustard

Very often the chicken is baked using honey-mustard marinade. In this recipe, the apricot jam is also added to the marinade to give the dish a piquant fruit note. So, we store the following products:

  • chicken weighing about 2 kg

  • honey - 3 tbsp. l.

  • unpeeled mustard - 3 tbsp. l.

  • Apricot jam - 2 tbsp. l.

  • paprika - 1 tsp.

  • seasoning curry - 1/2 tsp.

  • Ground black pepper - 1/4 tsp.

I wash my chicken, cut it and cut it into eight pieces. Sprinkle pieces of paprika, curry powder and black pepper. We put it in a baking dish.

Mix honey, mustard and apricot jam. The resulting sauce pour the chicken and leave to marinate for at least an hour (but it's better to take more, you can even marinate the chicken all night).

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and bake the chicken for an hour. From time to time it is necessary to water it with a sauce mixed with the juice that was released during baking.

Chicken with honey and sesame

If you like oriental cuisine, you can cook chicken fillet fried in honey batter, sesame and ginger. This is an easy-to-prepare dish with a piquant, sweetish-spicy taste. For its preparation we take:

  • 1 kg of chicken

  • sesame

  • cooking oil for frying

For batter

  • 0.5 tbsp. mineral water

  • 4 tbsp. l. cornstarch

  • 2 tbsp. l. flour

  • 2 egg whites

  • salt - to taste

For sauce

  • 0.5 tbsp. water

  • 3 tbsp. l. honey

  • 2 tsp. sesame oil

  • 2 tsp. grated fresh ginger root (or 1 tsp ground dried ginger)

  • 2-3 cloves of garlic

  • 1 tsp. wine or rice vinegar

  • 1 tsp. cornstarch

  • 1 tsp. salt

Chicken fillet, dried and slicedin small pieces. We combine all the components for batter in a bowl, whisk. Chop the fillet of chicken in the batter, mix and leave for half an hour. Sliced ​​fillets in a large quantity of preheated vegetable oil in a deep frying pan or fryer. We spread the chicken out on a paper towel, which will absorb excess fat.

For the preparation of Chinese sauce, garlic is cleanedand let it pass through the press, the fresh ginger root is rubbed on a fine grater. Fry garlic with ginger on warmed sesame oil for about a minute, do not need it longer. Add water, honey, vinegar and salt, stir. Starch is bred in 1 tsp. water, add the sauce and cook for about two minutes, slowly stirring.

Pieces of fried in a batter of chicken we put in the finished sauce and sprinkle with sesame seeds. The garnish is best served with boiled rice, and there is a dish for full authenticity followed by chopsticks.

Bon Appetit!

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