Treatment of folk remedies for diseases of the hip joint. What diseases of the hip joint can be treated with folk methods: recipes of folk remedies for the treatment of coxarthrosis and trochanthitis
The largest joint of the human body -hip, it provides freedom of movement of the foot, and the very ability to move on two extremities, and not on four. Any disease of the hip joint causes severe pain and limits mobility, often to the total inability to walk normally. Someone immediately runs to the doctor, someone tries to help themselves with folk remedies. But the diseases of the hip joint are many, and all have similar symptoms. To correctly choose those folk remedies for hip joint that you will definitely help, you need an accurate diagnosis, and only the doctor can supply it.
Symptoms of hip joint disease: how to distinguish between diseases that can be treated with folk remedies?
That the hip joint can withstand verylarge loads, the articular cavity includes not only the round head of the femur, but also the neck of the thigh - a narrow connection of the head with the bone body. Cartilage tissue in the joint works like a sponge - absorbs liquid, and at the moment of the load releases it for a better slip. The joint is strengthened by the most powerful bundles in the human body that play the role of a shock absorber. Supply of oxygen and nutrients provide several arteries and veins. Depending on which part of the hip is affected by the disease, very different methods and means will be needed for treatment.
The treatment of the hip joint is notonly surgeons. Depending on the disease, you may also need the help of a traumatologist, orthopedist, rheumatologist, physiotherapist, immunologist or neurologist.
What diseases of the hip joint can be treated with folk remedies?
Fractures of the neck of the hip - severe trauma, lying in wait for the elderly, which requires surgical treatment. Hip Dislocation - a frequent consequence of auto-accident, they are treated only in a hospital. Hip pain may be due to infectious or autoimmune arthritis, affecting the connective tissue of the joint. Folk remedies for this disease are ineffective. The resulting blood flow disorders of the joint osteonecrosis requires urgent surgical intervention. Often pain in the thigh caused by diseases of very different organs - osteochondrosis, inflammation of the appendages,prostatitis, diseases of the peripheral nervous system - then it is necessary to treat the underlying disease, and not the hip joint. Apply for treatment of folk remedies is acceptable in two cases: if you get sick coxarthrosis or trochanterom.
The use of folk remedies at an early stagecoxarthrosis (it is also called osteoarthritis or deforming arthrosis) significantly slows the development of the disease, and immediately started treatment of trochanitis (a form of bursitis) can generally lead to complete recovery. But before you start treatment with folk methods, go to the doctor - this can help you keep the hip joint from total destruction.
Coxarthrosis (osteoarthritis, deforming arthrosis of the hip joint)
This disease affects the cartilaginous tissue of the joint. Articular fluid thickens, its amount decreases. The cartilage gradually degenerates and thins. Ogolivshiesya bones with friction deformed, they appear outgrowths and thorns. As a result, the joint can collapse completely.
Symptoms of osteoarthritis (coxarthrosis):
pain in the groin, along the anterior and lateral surfaces of the thigh
pain never spreads below the knee
in rest - sitting and lying - the pain stops or weakens (in the initial stage of the disease)
limitation of joint mobility - it is difficult to bend the leg to the stomach, put on shoes
when you hear a crunch in the joint
changes the length of the foot: more often the foot is shortened, sometimes lengthens
lameness - first after the load, then constant
The muscles of the leg above the knee dry up, decrease in volume
Who is sick with osteoarthritis?
Most often, osteoarthritis affects people over 40 years of age, but can develop at any age. Women get sick a little more often than men.
Risk factors:
hereditary predisposition for the female line
inflammation of the joint
infectious diseases
circulatory disorders
diabetes mellitus type 2
hormonal disorders
playing sports
Trochanitis (bursitis)
It is an inflammation of the tendons that canspread to the entire bag of the joint and affect even the bone - the place on the large spit of the thigh bone, to which the tendons are attached. If trochanteritis is not treated, the inflammation can become chronic, this will lead to a significant restriction of the mobility of the joint.
Symptoms of trochanitis:
acute, burning pain in the external surface of the thigh, which is strengthened by flexion and extension
pain in the area of "riding breeches"
severe pain when trying to lie on one side of the patient's joint
the mobility of the joint remains, despite the pain
pain intensifies from sitting on a hard surface
rapid development - from the onset of the disease to the pain of maximum intensity usually takes 1-3 days
possible swelling of the joint
sometimes fever
Who is sick with trochanteritis?
Anyone can get sick with trocharteritis, but most often the disease develops athletes and in women over 35 years.
Risk factors:
injuries, falls, bruises
diseases of the spine
different length of legs
the presence of osteophytes
repeated excessive loads
strong physical stress with simultaneous supercooling
virus diseases, especially the flu
intensive running in women
quickly gained weight, including because of pregnancy
If you doubt the diagnosis, trydistract from pain, relax and move the joint - lean and tie the laces, spread legs widely, sit on a chair, put your foot on the leg. With trochanteritis, all these movements you will do easily, with osteoarthritis they will be difficult or impossible.
Treatment of coxarthrosis and trochanteritis of the hip joint folk remedies
Treatment of folk remedies of arthrosisThe hip joint does not replace, but only complements the procedures prescribed by the doctor. You will make a big mistake if you limit yourself to compresses and tinctures, refusing to follow the doctor's recommendations. After a few years, and sometimes several months later, there will be an operation - the worn joint will have to be replaced with a prosthesis. Trochanteritis is a relatively harmless disease compared with arthrosis, and it is permissible to focus on folk remedies when treating it. However, the intensity of pain with trochanteritis is often higher than with osteoarthritis, and it is difficult to remove them with folk remedies, so drugs will still be needed in this case, at least for anesthesia.
Folk remedies with the best reviews in the treatment of trochanitis
In the treatment of trochanitis, folk remediesused to reduce inflammation in the affected joint and to restore the elasticity of the tendons. The best reviews among the many recipes of folk remedies for the treatment of trochanteritis of the hip joint have anti-inflammatory ointments according to folk recipes, as well as some tinctures.
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Juniper oil
100 g of unripe juniper berries
50 g of fresh nettle leaves
100 g of pork lard
Preparation and use:
Grind juniper berries in a blender.
Leave nettle leaves finely cut with a sharp knife, then rub in a nonmetallic mortar.
Smolt melt to a semi-liquid state.
Mix all the ingredients and mix to a uniform ointment.
Keep the ointment in a refrigerator in a closed opaque container.
Lubricate the affected joint 3 times a day.
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Butter oil
12 tbsp. spoons of fresh celandine (leaves and stems)
1 liter of olive oil
Preparation and use:
Cut fresh celandi as small as possible. Work in gloves - the juice of celandine is very caustic and badly laundered.
Fill the celandine with olive oil heated to 40 degrees.
Insist oil for 14 days in a dark place, then strain.
Lubricate the diseased joint with a little oil and gently rub it with the movements from the bottom up. When the oil is absorbed, heat shelter and lie down for at least 2 hours. It is best to use this remedy for the night.
Mummy ointment
10 g of purified mummy (50 tablets)
90 ml of olive oil
Preparation and use:
Heat the oil in a water bath to a temperature of 60 degrees.
Put the mummy in the oil and stir until completely dissolved.
Let it cool down. Store in a cool dark place, but not in the refrigerator.
Rub a small amount of ointment in the affected joint 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening.
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Tincture of walnut partitions
1 glass of walnut partitions
0.5 liters. vodka
Preparation and reception:
Fill the nut septa with vodka, seal and insist for 3 weeks in a dark place, then strain.
Drink 1 teaspoon of tincture 2 times a day.
Garlic-lemon juice
3 large heads of garlic
10 lemons
1 teaspoon shredded horseradish
Preparation and reception:
Garlic clean and grind in a blender or rub on a fine grater.
Lemons scald with boiling water and squeeze out the juice from them.
Mix lemon juice with garlic, add horseradish and mix.
Insist 3 weeks in a dark, warm place, then store in the refrigerator.
Drink 1 teaspoon of juice, stirring it in a glass of warm water, 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening.
Lilac tincture (anesthetic)
Fill the jar of the lilac almost to the top, but do not stuff it tightly.
Pour vodka or, better, alcohol 96%, so that the pot was full.
Cover and press for 3 weeks in a dark place.
Carefully rub the tincture into the aching joint, then hide and lie down for at least 3 hours.
Lauric Ointment
6 tbsp. chopped laurel leaves
1 tbsp. spoon of ground juniper needles
12 tbsp. spoons of butter of high quality
Preparation and use:
The leaves of the laurel and the juniper needles are ground into powder. Add the softened butter and mix until smooth.
Carefully rub the ointment into the affected joint. This pain reliever very well helps restore tendons.
Folk remedies for the treatment of coxarthrosis of the hip joint
During treatment of osteoarthrosis of the hipjoint (coxarthrosis) folk remedies are used for additional anesthesia, restoration of joint mobility and improvement of cartilaginous tissue. In general, treatment with folk remedies is aimed at slowing the development of coxarthrosis.
Broth for strengthening cartilage
2 tbsp. spoons of burdock root
2 tbsp. spoons of willow bark
2 tbsp. spoons of birch leaves
2 tbsp. spoons of lime blossom
2 tbsp. spoon of parsley root
Preparation and reception:
Mix the ingredients, add 0.5 liters of hot water.
Bring to the boil and cook for the low heat for 10 minutes.
Cover with a towel and allow to cool slowly, then strain.
Drink a decoction of half a glass, 3 times a day.
Infusion of garlic with celery
100 g of garlic
250 g celery root
3 lemons
Preparation and reception:
All the ingredients are passed through a meat grinder, put in a three-liter jar and pour boiling water to the top of the jar.
Insist 12 hours in a dark place.
Drink an infusion of half a glass once a day - in the morning, half an hour before breakfast.
Broth of cones of alder
2 tbsp. Spoons of cones of gray alder fill with 2 cups of boiling water.
Keep in a water bath for 25 minutes.
Allow to stand for 1 hour, then strain.
Drink infusion of a third of the glass 3 times a day for half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 1 month.
Tincture of the saber
2 tbsp. spoon roots of swamp
0.5 liters of vodka
Preparation and use:
Cut the roots of the sapelnik into pieces not more than 1 cm and fill them with vodka.
Insist in a dark, cool place for 3 weeks, then strain and refrigerate.
Take 1 tbsp. spoon, diluting it in 0.5 glasses of cold water, 3 times daily before meals.
Cabbage Compression
Separate a few leaves of cabbage, cover them with polyethylene and beat off with a knife handle, and then roll it lightly with a rolling pin so that the leaves soften and are ready to give juice.
Lubricate the surface of the leaf with honey and attach to the affected joint.
Cover with polyethylene or compress paper and wrap it on top with a fluffy kerchief or pure woolen cloth.
Keep the compress all night, in the morning, rinse the skin with warm water.
Apply this medication every day for a month.
Compress from the buds of the savory
A third of a glass of fresh buds of black poplar (savory), a glass of boiling water for 20 minutes.
Drain the water and put the steamed kidneys on the affected joint.
Cover with gauze, on top with compress paper, wrap it with a woolen cloth.
Keep the compress for at least 4 hours.
The course of treatment is 3 weeks.
According to this recipe, you can also make other compresses: from birch leaves, from geranium meadow grass, from a mixture of elderberry and chamomile flowers.
Herbal ointment
20 g of fresh clover
20 g cones of hops
20 g fresh St. John's wort
100 g of Vaseline
Preparation and use:
Grind all the ingredients as best as possible - forThis can use a blender, but it is better to cut it finely, then grind it in a non-metallic mortar. Add the Vaseline and mix the ointment until smooth.
Rub the ointment into the joint 2 times a day, in the morning and in the evening.
Ointment from perestupnya
200 g of white transient roots
400 g of pork interior fat
Preparation and use:
Well chop and rub the roots of the transgression.
Melt the interior fat and mix with the crushed roots.
Put the mixture on a fire and boil for 5 minutes.
Stir and let cool.
Rub the ointment in the affected joint once a day - in the evening before going to bed.
Attention: the grass is very poisonous, do not use any cooking utensils and food utensils to prepare the ointment, after washing, wash your hands thoroughly!
Kerosene Ointment
60 ml of refined (aviation) kerosene
60 ml of unrefined sunflower oil
50 g of dark soap
1 teaspoon baking soda
Preparation and use:
Mix kerosene and sunflower oil.
On a fine grater, mix the laundry soap into the mixture.
Add soda and rub thoroughly until smooth.
Leave the ointment at room temperature for 3 days, then mix again well.
Rub in the affected joint every other day. The course of treatment is 12 rub.
Therapeutic baths for the treatment of coxarthrosis
If you do not have heart problems and elevationspressure, you can use medical baths to treat coxarthrosis: this folk remedy has many positive reviews and helps not only to relieve the pain, but also to increase the mobility of the hip joint. The water in the tub must be hot, at least 40 degrees. Take a bath 20 minutes. After the bath, rub the diseased joint with a towel and apply an iodine net to the skin.
The most effective baths for the treatment of coxarthrosis are:
With steamed young branches of pine: 2 handfuls of sprigs pour 1 liter of boiling water for 20 minutes, then add to the bath.
With Pine and Jerusalem artichoke: 0,5 kg of sea salt, a handful of steamed pine branches, 0.5 kg of crushed tuber of Jerusalem artichoke, 1 tsp of turpentine - all add to the bath.
With sea salt: 1 kg of sea salt and 100 g of baking soda add to the bath.
With mustard: 100 g of dry mustard diluted with 2 liters of boiling water, pour into a bath.
With mint: 3 handfuls of fresh peppermint pour 2 liters of boiling water, boil 15 minutes, add to the bath.
With the comfrey (the flicker): 10 tbsp. spoons of roots comfrey pour 2 liters of boiling water, cook for 10 minutes, strain and add the broth to the bath.
Treat coxarthrosis and trochanteritis with folk remedies, do not be ill with any diseases of the hip joint, be healthy!