Mannequin Pudding

Do not think that pudding from manga is the same semolina. No, in the preparation of semolina pudding has its own characteristics. In addition, there are a lot of recipes for puddings from semolina porridge, so you will always have plenty to choose from. So, try to prepare a delicate dessert!
Manny pudding with berries
We offer you a very delicious version of semolinapudding. If you want to serve it for breakfast, then start cooking again in the evening. This is not a simple semolina porridge, which can be cooked in just a couple of minutes! To make a pudding for this recipe, take:
- 1 tbsp. semolina
- 5 tbsp. milk fat content of 1.5%
- 1-2 tbsp. l. Sahara
- salt
- 1 tbsp. l. butter
- 3 eggs
- any berries to your taste
On medium heat, heat the milk. When it starts to boil, add semolina. To ensure that there is no lumps in semolina, it is advisable to fill the rump with a strainer. Stir, cook the porridge, add a little salt, sugar and butter to it. Remove the prepared porridge from the heat and allow it to cool.
While the porridge cools, whip the egg whites into a thickfoam. Two yolks enter into semolina porridge and mix it well. Add whipped proteins and stir the porridge again. Now half of the prepared mass is poured onto a baking tray, add the berries you have selected on top. Pour the second half of the porridge on top of the berries. Lubricate the mess on top of the remaining yolk and put the pudding to bake at a temperature of 180 degrees for 30-40 minutes or until an appetizing ruddy crust.
Ready mann pudding should be completely cooled, after which it can be served to the table. As a sauce for pudding use berry jelly.
Mannequin pudding with caramel
We offer you another recipe for a delicious mann pudding. This time we cook it with a fragrant and delicious caramel. For cooking mannoy pudding with caramel you will need:
- 650 ml of milk
- 300 g of sugar
- 225 g of semolina
- 200 g of butter
- 35 g raisins
- 2 tsp. orange peel
- freshly squeezed juice from one orange
Put the milk on the stove and start heating it. At the same time, in another saucepan, slowly melt the sugar. Stir the sugar constantly so that it does not burn to the bottom. When caramel is ready, pour hot milk into it. Stir well the milk and put the mixture on a slow fire until the caramel is completely dissolved.
In a separate saucepan (you can take one in whichmilk was heated, just wash it) melt the butter. On oil fry the semolina for 15 minutes. Constantly stir the rump until it becomes golden in color. Then reduce the heat and add milk to the caramel with orange peel, juice and raisins. Slowly pour the milk mixture into semolina. Mix the porridge well so that no lumps form in it. Then cover the pan with a lid and cook the porridge for a few more minutes until it is ready. Ready porridge pour into the molds, which will serve pudding. Allow the porridge to cool and put it in the refrigerator for 5 hours. Now the ready caramel pudding can be served to the table.
Note that the options for cooking mannapudding is very much. Add to it various spices, berries and fruits, orange peel, lemon, coconut shavings, so that each time you get a new dish. And for the basis of pudding, take one of the recipes proposed by the Land of Soviets.
Bon Appetit!