Fitness in summer

The summer is coming ... A wonderful time for vacations, vacationsand generally a carefree pastime. There is no need to rush, you can at least all day basking on the river bank, eat tons of ice cream and a bunch of useless goodies. But what about fitness? And what about the figure?

In principle, during this hot season, you can make some adjustments to the usual mode of study. But we can not completely reject them. After all, then all your results achieved by "excessive work" will go wrong. Of course, when on the thermometer +35, I do not want to think about any activities in the stuffy fitness room. Here the solution is to be content Exercises in the open air. They do not require any sports equipment, you can also forget about the form of synthetic materials and wear light, non-moving clothes made from natural fabrics.

If you are an amateur swimming in the pool, then you can easily move tonatural reservoirs. There, the water does not smell bleaching and the skin does not dry, the landscape is more interesting, and underwater currents will help create an additional training effect - you will have to apply more forces to swim in the chosen direction.

While jogging down the street you consume 10% more energy than duringlessons on the treadmill. And running on uneven surfaces in the forest or the nearest planting not only perfectly develop endurance and burn fat, but also strengthens the muscles of the legs and buttocks, so that they become slim and fit. It is very good to go for a walk, of course, not in the sun.

Enjoying the beauty of nature, you can time fromtime to accelerate or slow down the step, as well as to do useful breathing exercises: breathe in your belly, rhythmically straining or relaxing muscles - this is a kind of training for the press, useful for the figure.

You can remember how, once in classphysical education, you walked on heels, on socks, on the outer and inner sides of the foot. Try it now, it's a very good exercise. It is useful to walk barefoot on the grass, feel like a child and rush along the lawn behind butterflies and dragonflies, inhale the beautiful aromas of flowers, forget about everything! Well, what is not psychotherapy?

And if you are still a dedicated fan of the fitness club, then you need to consider some important things. High air temperature causes more frequentheart rate and blood pressure, so if you have cardiovascular disease, be sure to consult your doctor about exercise. Also, change the class mode. During the first 3-5 hot days, exercise for no more than 20 minutes, and the load should be reduced by half, then gradually increase the intensity, depending on how you feel.

The presence of air conditioning in the hall - a thing a must, but remember that a draft is the main cause of all kinds of colds in the summer, so try to stay away from such devices.

Do not forget to drink water. During physical activity there is an activesweating, and the body loses fluid. This leads to a thickening of the blood and increased stress on the heart. In addition, the muscles also lose water, become fragile, and the risk of injury increases several times. Mineral substances are also removed with water, so replenishing their loss is better with mineral water, but, in no case is it a medical-dining room, it can disrupt the body's salt balance. Refuse also from sweet carbonated drinks, they have a lot of empty calories, but they do not contain anything useful.

Fitness in summer
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