Zumba: fitness in a new way
Such a form of fitness as zumba today is offered in almost allsports clubs and gyms. This training combines elements of rhythmic Latin American, Spanish, African dances with aerobics and gives an amazingly effective result. More about that, what is a zumba, will tell the Country of Councils.

According to legend, zumba appeared in the late 80-ies, thanks to the forgetfulness of the choreographer Beto(Alberto) Perez, who for the next lesson in aerobics did not bring the discs with the right music. To get out of an embarrassing situation, Peres decided to conduct training for his favorite tunes of samba and salsa. They say that the training was liked by the future dancers so much that they generally refused to engage in ordinary music.

Zumba is an excellent way to lose weight and keep the body in tone. At the same time, classes such as fitness as zumbapass very cheerfully and at ease, which gives an additional incentive to continue the studies. After all, you will agree, it is much more pleasant to move to incendiary rhythms than to consider meticulously the number of repetitions and approaches.

Zumba also gives an excellent opportunity to relax and cease to feel constrained, excellently raises the mood, after all it is simply unreal to mope, when aroundsuch fun! And for those who are only slightly familiar with sports exercises, the zumba is the best: the people with absolutely any level of physical fitness can do this kind of fitness.

It should be noted that although zumba is a kind of training that is suitable for almost everyone, there are some contraindications. So, You can not engage in zumba with serious diseases of bones and joints, with heart disease, during rehabilitation after trauma or exacerbation of existing diseases of the nervous system.

As already noted, There was such a direction of fitness as a zumba from Latin American dances. However, over the years, movements from almost all types of dance began to be included in the zumba and now you can try hip-hop, rock'n'roll and many other dances during zumba training.

Only trainers who have training in zumba can exercise Have passed special training in Academy Zumba. At each lesson on the zumba, the instructor demonstrates small dance bands, the intensity of the movement is constantly increasing. There is a lot of improvisation in the class, so they are never boring.

The choreography in the zumba is not at all complicated, and even a beginner can easily master it. But with such seemingly simple movementsZumba nevertheless copes well with its task. As a result of zumba training, muscles of the abdomen and thighs, pectoral muscles, shoulders, legs are well developed. Also zumba helps to develop the respiratory system, trains the cardiovascular system, develops plasticity and dexterity.

There are several varieties of zumba: zumba classic, zumba continental, zumba tone,zumba aqua, children's zumba fitness. In any variety there are 4 blocks - they are performed in a certain sequence in each of the classes. Beginning with workouts, then begins learning new elements, fixing the studied and, finally, stretching exercises - stretching.

One hour of zumba training helps burn up to 1000 calories and, which is remarkable, does not exhaust at all,but, on the contrary, it charges with energy. And in order to make the atmosphere of the zumba even more relaxed and friendly, real theme parties are often arranged in the classroom. In a high mood, participants leave the zombie classes and each time they understand - they want more!

Zumba: fitness in a new way
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