Attitude towards study

Teaching is light. Alas, not all people are easily trained. Sometimes, a person is intelligent, and educated, but he is not given, for example, English. After spending a day at a textbook and a dictionary, a person loses faith in himself, thinking that he is stupid, but in fact, everything is not so. Just a technique of self-learning and motivation is not universal enough. It is necessary to program a positive attitudes toward learning, so as not to turn training into hard labor.

How to force yourself to learn? First, the question itself: how to force yourself to learn, is already wrong motivation. The verb "to force" acts destructively on the human psyche. There are people who will perform the work of any complexity and weight until they are forced to do the same work in a team tone. What to do? It is just a verb "to force" to replace with "interested." As they say: the best work is a well-paid hobby. But, believe me, sometimes interesting work brings pleasure and without payment. The main thing is to have peace and satisfaction with the result of your work. Study is the same work, and it can be attributed to the category of work for the sake of pleasure, and not for the sake of material prosperity. Of course, in the future it will be much easier to provide oneself with material benefits, using the acquired knowledge.

How to develop a productive attitude to work, not going to the victims and infringement of their freeand busy time? Try to combine leisure and work day. If you are learning a foreign language, buy colored stickers, spread over the apartment, pre-writing words, transcriptions, rules of pronunciation and writing. This will help not only to develop the ability to learn the language, but also the visual perception is improved as much as possible.

Equip yourself a comfortable workplace. Of course, if you are sitting at the kitchen table,trying to remember the historical dates and events, and you are surrounded by dirty dishes, radio and squealing of the neighbor's child under the window - there can be no talk of any working situation. But comfort contributes to peace and harmony, in which I want to live, study and work. By this method, you are provided with a loyal attitude to learning.

Give yourself a setup: no social networks!! You noticed how fast time flies, if itgoes on scrolling, "husky" and viewing hundreds of photos of a girlfriend who got married? Imagine how much important and useful you could have done if you did not waste time on the Internet. Abstract from everything that takes your time and distracts from the main job. Already a couple of hours to study can be identified. But then what a wonderful feeling of satisfaction, when the work is done and the necessary knowledge is obtained.

Think of yourself some reward for work. Not necessarily after studying one paragraphrun on boutiques and do grand shopping. Indulge yourself with something delicious or start on a small bill to save money for a thing that has long wanted, but did not find time to purchase. For example, you want a book, but there's no time to go after her to the store. Divide the cost of the book, divide it by seven days. The resulting amount every day, after a patient and interesting process of study, put it in the casket. And on a day off, go for a long-awaited purchase. It will be a great reward for the work and excellent motivation.

Do not worry if you are not given studies. It can not be that you were uneducable. Just you are bored and uninteresting. The humanist looks at the mathematics with horror until he realizes how to do the mathematics of the humanities. It's easy, it's important only to review the science and adjust in your own way.

Remember that you should not worry about the question "how to make yourself learn," but "how to learn with pleasure and interest." The best reward for your work is self-development. Be demanding of yourself and considerate, develop attitude towards learning by right methods, replacing painful patience with interest.

Attitude towards study
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