Pizza with cauliflower

Dough: 400-500 g of wheat flour, 0.5 liters of kefir, 2 eggs, 1/2 teaspoon of soda, salt to taste.
Filling: 300 g cauliflower, 2 carrots, 3 tablespoons green peas, 2 onions, 3 tomatoes, parsley and dill, coriander, 100 grams of cheese, sugar, salt to taste.
Knead the dough from kefir, flour, eggs, soda and salt. Leave it at 1-1.5 hours for proofing. Roll out a thin layer of 6-7 mm thick. Put the stuffing: pieces of carrots, onions, tomatoes, green peas and cauliflower, sprinkle with grated cheese and herbs. Bake until cooked.
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