Pizza in SicilianDough: 450 g of flour, 20 g of dry yeast, 300 g of water, 60 g of vegetable oil, 2 eggs.

Filling: 40 g of butter, 12 g of tomato sauce, 700 g of cheese, 2 sweet peppers and onions, 4 eggs, salt.

Mix the flour with yeast, add water, salt,vegetable oil, 2 yolks. Knead the dough until smooth and put in a warm place, let it come 25-30 minutes. Whisk 4 eggs, add the butter mashed with proteins, salt. Pepper the seeds and cut into rings. Cut the onions in the same way. Cheese grate on a large grater.
From the test, form pizza. Put them on the filling. First, a portion of the egg mass, top pepper, onions, then the rest of the egg mass, sprinkle with cheese and cover with tomato sauce. Bake in the oven for 10 minutes at 220 0FROM.

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