Recipe for a delicious homemade ice cream with caramel

Ice cream is a summer dessert, which is adored asadults, and children. What can be better than a real tender, melting cold lips on the lips, which is easy to prepare by yourself? Add any toppings to creamy balls with caramel flavor, decorate the dessert with juicy berries, fruits, nuts, chocolate or coconut shavings and enjoy its delicious taste.


Recipe for a delicious homemade ice cream with caramel

  • Cream not less than 33% - 375 g

  • Milk is not lower than 3.2% - 375 grams

  • Boiled condensed milk or caramel - 300 g

  • Egg yolks - 6 pcs.

To the mistress of the note: the products for ice cream are better to take farmer's - skimmed significantly reduce the taste and aroma of delicacies.

  1. In a saucepan with a thick bottom, pour in the milk, cream andcondensed milk (it can be replaced with home or industrial caramel). Seeds of vanilla pod or a couple drops of natural vanilla extract will add ice cream an extra delicate flavor. Stir and put the milk saucepan on a medium fire Recipe for a delicious homemade ice cream with caramel

  2. Prepared yolks mix whisk until smooth Recipe for a delicious homemade ice cream with caramel

  3. When the milk mixture is heated on the stove, againstir it. Then gently in batches pour in the egg emulsion, constantly working a whisk - this is necessary in order that the yolks do not curl. Take care that the milk mixture is not too hot and do not bring it to a boil - for ice cream requires a moderate temperature of the mass Recipe for a delicious homemade ice cream with caramel

  4. Pour the resulting mixture back into the saucepan,put on fire and cook until it becomes thick. The readiness of the mousse can be judged by dipping the spatula into the mass and running it over it with a finger - there must be a clear, uneven trace on the blade Recipe for a delicious homemade ice cream with caramel

  5. Cool the mousse: leave it on the grate or place it in a bowl and whisk with a mixer at low speed. Add a pinch of salt - it will brighten the sweetness of dessert. Mix again well Recipe for a delicious homemade ice cream with caramel

  6. Place the mass in the ice cream maker and turn on the modecooking. Delicacy can be prepared without it: you need to put mousse in the freezer for five minutes, then get it and mix it well with a mixer. Such cycles need a few dozen to ensure that the mass became creamy and did not contain ice crystals Recipe for a delicious homemade ice cream with caramel

  7. Ready ice cream let completely freeze in the freezer. Before serving, decorate the dessert with your favorite toppings or supplements Recipe for a delicious homemade ice cream with caramel

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