Lush charlotte in the oven - simple and delicious recipes

Familiar apple charlotte is not onlytasty dessert, but also a simple basis for creating unusual sweets. For example, you can replace yogurt from a classic recipe sour cream or cook instead of dough cream from cottage cheese. And you can use bananas, pears, oranges or tangerines, berries instead of apples. Very tasty fruit fruit is obtained in the oven recipe with a photo, which is discussed below. Also, the hostesses and detailed video instructions for cooking dessert will be useful. With their help, you can easily create a real culinary masterpiece, which will become a favorite with the whole family.

Luxurious charlotte with apples on kefir in the oven - step by step photo recipe

Lush charlotte in the oven - simple and delicious recipes

Ordinary charlotte on kefir, which is prettyoften cooked hostess, with the addition of a small amount of baking powder can become an original festive dessert. If you prefer, you can decorate a lavish pie with a cream or simply sprinkle with powdered sugar, cinnamon. But most importantly, carefully cut the apples to make a simple charlotte turned and tasty, and attractive. On how to prepare such a dessert with yogurt, tell a step-by-step recipe, listed below.

Ingredients with a recipe for a luscious apple charlotte on kefir for an oven

  • apples - 2 large;

  • flour - 2 items;

  • baking powder - 1 teaspoon;

  • eggs - 3 pieces;

  • kefir - 100 ml;

  • sugar - 3/4;

  • discharge. oil - 100 g;

  • salt - 1/4 tsp;

  • juice of half a lemon;

Step-by-step recipe for cooking in a typical oven lavish charlotte on kefir from apples

  1. One apple is peeled and seed cleaned.Lush charlotte in the oven - simple and delicious recipes

  2. Slice the apple with crowbars.Lush charlotte in the oven - simple and delicious recipes

  3. Sprinkle lemon juice and set the apple aside.Lush charlotte in the oven - simple and delicious recipes

  4. The softened butter is cut into pieces and transferred to a mixer bowl.Lush charlotte in the oven - simple and delicious recipes

  5. Separate the proteins from the yolks.Lush charlotte in the oven - simple and delicious recipes

  6. Beat up the proteins until the foam is thick.Lush charlotte in the oven - simple and delicious recipes

  7. Egg add to butter, beat.Lush charlotte in the oven - simple and delicious recipes

  8. Add flour, kefir to the mixture and mix the ingredients carefully.Lush charlotte in the oven - simple and delicious recipes

  9. Whipped protein is added to the homogeneous mixture in the blender bowl.Lush charlotte in the oven - simple and delicious recipes

  10. Add the previously sliced ​​apple to the dough, mix.Lush charlotte in the oven - simple and delicious recipes

  11. Put the dough in a mold.Lush charlotte in the oven - simple and delicious recipes

  12. The second apple is washed and cleaned of seeds, cut into thin slices.Lush charlotte in the oven - simple and delicious recipes

  13. Garnish with apple slices.Lush charlotte in the oven - simple and delicious recipes

  14. Bake charlotte at a temperature of 200 degrees for about 45 minutes.Lush charlotte in the oven - simple and delicious recipes

How to prepare a lavish charlotte on sour cream in the oven - recipe with step by step video

Lush charlotte in the oven - simple and delicious recipes

If the classical charlotte involvesuse of kefir, then you can easily prepare such a dessert in a new way with sour cream. It will be more satisfying and tender, and in addition it will become really magnificent and airy if you add a pinch of baking powder or slaked soda into the dough.

Step-by-step video-recipe for cooking in the oven of a luscious sour cream charlotte

The following simple recipe describes step by step how to prepare a magnificent and delicate charlotte with apples. All the ingredients in it are available and they can easily be bought in a store or supermarket.

Cottage cheese puffed charlotte with berries in the oven - simple recipe with photo-instruction

Lush charlotte in the oven - simple and delicious recipes

To lush charlotte is not just originallooked, but also had an unusual taste, it is recommended to cook it with cottage cheese. Such simple baking attracts the opportunity of its cooking, both with fruits and berries. In this case, from cottage cheese is prepared not a dough, but a gentle cream that will help emphasize the taste of the filling. On how to step-by-step prepare an unusual pie on milk, the following recipe will tell.

List of ingredients for cooking lavender berry for gas oven

  • flour - 100 g;

  • eggs - 4 pieces;

  • egg yolks - 3 pieces;

  • powdered sugar - 90 g;

  • milk - 200 ml;

  • curd mass - 100 g;

  • raspberry - 600 g;

  • gelatin - 3 leaves;

  • sugar - 2 tablespoons;

  • Vanillin or vanilla stick - to taste.

Photo-instruction on the recipe for baking in gas ovens lavish charlotte with berries

  1. The eggs are divided into squirrels and yolks.Lush charlotte in the oven - simple and delicious recipes

  2. 4 Whisk the protein until thick. Lush charlotte in the oven - simple and delicious recipes

  3. To introduce in powder sugar powder.Lush charlotte in the oven - simple and delicious recipes

  4. Carefully insert 4 yolks into the prepared mass.Lush charlotte in the oven - simple and delicious recipes

  5. Using a pastry bag or a spoon, place the dough on a parchment.Lush charlotte in the oven - simple and delicious recipes

  6. Bake the base at a temperature of 175 degrees 15-17 minutes. Cool on the grate.Lush charlotte in the oven - simple and delicious recipes

  7. In milk add a stick of vanilla or dissolve vanillin in it. Lightly heat.Lush charlotte in the oven - simple and delicious recipes

  8. Beat the prepared 3 yolks.Lush charlotte in the oven - simple and delicious recipes

  9. Add "vanilla" milk to the yolks.Lush charlotte in the oven - simple and delicious recipes

  10. Slightly warm the mixture on the stove (do not bring to a boil!), Add gelatin.Lush charlotte in the oven - simple and delicious recipes

  11. Strain the mixture and put into the refrigerator for 30 minutes.Lush charlotte in the oven - simple and delicious recipes

  12. Periodically stir the cream (it will turn white and look like a whipped protein).Lush charlotte in the oven - simple and delicious recipes

  13. Add 50 g of plain sugar powder or crushed brown sugar to the cream. Gently enter into the curd mass.Lush charlotte in the oven - simple and delicious recipes

  14. Put the cooled dough into a mold.Lush charlotte in the oven - simple and delicious recipes

  15. Put half the cream and raspberries in the base of the dough.Lush charlotte in the oven - simple and delicious recipes

  16. Lay out the remaining cream and raspberries. Lush charlotte in the oven - simple and delicious recipes

  17. Charlotte cool and let "go" in the refrigerator.Lush charlotte in the oven - simple and delicious recipes

How to prepare a charlotte without apples in the oven - step-by-step recipes with videos

Lush charlotte in the oven - simple and delicious recipes

Many housewives are interested in how to bake a charlotte with apricots or with a pear. An unusual pie is easily prepared with different ingredients, several kinds of fruits or berries.

Video-recipe for cooking a fruit charlotte in the oven without adding apples

A really delicious pie can be cooked andcompletely without apples, and from a combination of apples with pear, plum or apricots. In the following recipes, the features of cooking such original charlottes are described step by step.

An unusual charlotte with a banana in the oven - a recipe with a video instruction

Lush charlotte in the oven - simple and delicious recipes

A very charlotte turns out to be very unusual and satisfying, if you cook it not with apples, but with a banana. The following step-by-step recipe describes in detail the process of making such original baking.

A recipe with a video instruction for cooking a sweet banana quartette in a kitchen oven

The following video will walk you through the rulespreparation of ingredients, dough for baking a banana charlotte. A delicious cake is sure to please the hostesses and their families with their amazing aroma and taste.

How to prepare a charlotte with oranges or tangerines in the oven - a step-by-step recipe with a photo

Lush charlotte in the oven - simple and delicious recipes

Usually the addition of oranges or tangerines tothe dough causes it to burn off the bottom. Therefore, the hostess needs to know exactly how to bake a charlotte with oranges without spoiling it, and get a really delicious dessert. The next step-by-step recipe will tell in detail about the features of baking tangerine charlotte in the oven.

Ingredients with a recipe for an unusual charlotte with mandarins or oranges for the oven

  • tangerines (oranges) - 400-500 g;

  • peanut butter - 4 tablespoons;

  • sugar - 1,5 items;

  • cinnamon - 1 tablespoon;

  • flour - 1,5 items;

  • extract of orange and vanilla - 1 tsp;

  • orange juice - 1 item;

  • oil of the plant. - 5 tbsp.

Step-by-step recipe for cooking in a gas or electric oven for a tangerine charlotte

  1. Peel the tangerines from peel and tapes. Prepare the glaze from the heated peanut butter and cinnamon, 0.5 cup sugar. When heating, stir the oil constantly. Pour the frosting into a mold, lay out the mandarin slices.Lush charlotte in the oven - simple and delicious recipes

  2. Mix flour and a glass of sugar, extracts, butter andOrange juice. Stir well until smooth. Evenly distribute the dough in the form. Bake charlotte for 35-40 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees.Lush charlotte in the oven - simple and delicious recipes

  3. After baking, cool for 30 minutes and turn to the plate.Lush charlotte in the oven - simple and delicious recipes

Using the suggested video instructions, eachthe hostess will be able to easily cook a luscious apple pie or delicious pie with a pear, banana, oranges or tangerines. Also adding cottage cheese to cottage cheese, you can make unusual pastries with berries. The air will turn out and charlotte in the oven a recipe with a photo, which includes a step-by-step description of its preparation on yogurt and sour cream with a baking powder. Therefore, the hostess can only choose the suitable variant of baking an appetizing cake and begin to prepare it.

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