delicious salad

Pineapple and chicken - the combination is very harmonious. Salads with the addition of these products are incredibly delicious! Today we will tell you how to cook one of them. The dish turns out so festive, tasty and beautiful that it can safely decorate any solemn event.

Recipe for salad "Venice" with chicken and pineapple

Salad called "Venice" is associated withsomething refined and refined. There are many variations of this dish: with mushrooms, corn, tuna, etc. Today we will make a salad with chicken and pineapple. Its delicate taste and mouth-watering aroma will surprise and delight you.

Necessary ingredients:

  • prunes - 100 g

  • fresh cabbage - 100 g

  • chicken breast (smoked) - 200 g

  • Fresh pineapple - 200 g

  • fresh cucumbers - 100 g

  • salt

  • mayonnaise

Cooking method:

  1. Pour the prunes with boiling water and leave to infuse. This is necessary to make it soft.

  2. Cut cabbage with thin straws.

  3. Chicken breast chop neat cubes.chopped chicken

  4. Cucumbers and pineapple also cut into small cubes.

  5. Chop the prunes.

  6. Now prepare a nice vase and startto form our salad. First put a layer of cabbage, then chicken, pineapples, cucumbers and prunes. Salt to taste. Note that the smoked breast is already quite salty. Each layer water mayonnaise, and decorate with greens on top. Do not put too much mayonnaise, otherwise the taste of the ingredients will not be felt.

Serve the salad cold.

To the note: smoked meat can be replaced with boiled. The main thing is to completely cool it before cutting.

prepared salad


A few tips and options for salad recipes with chicken and pineapple:

  • salad "Venice" can be served at the razor in the form of a cake and cut portions with a knife;

  • be sure to cut the food into small pieces to be chewed easily and there was a feeling that the salad was "melting" in the mouth;

  • Here is another version of the recipe: boil the chicken breast (you can meat and other parts of the chicken), remove from the broth and let it cool down well. At this time, cut the hard cheese and canned pineapples into cubes. Then cut the meat into small pieces as well. Pour all the ingredients into a bowl, add the sweet corn, salt, pepper with black pepper, season with mayonnaise and mix;

  • if you do not like prunes, you can replace it with fresh mango. It turns out to be an even more unusual and interesting taste;

  • if you are against the store mayonnaise, you can cook home and more useful. Sour cream to this salad will not work, but without refueling it will simply disintegrate;

  • very well for this dish is suitable mayonnaise "Olive";

  • Cucumbers can not be cut into cubes, but make thin rings and decorate them with a dish;

  • for seafood lovers there is also an excellentoption "Venice." Cut small pieces of boiled shrimp, trout fillets, canned pineapple, orange pulp and fold into a container. Prepare the gas station. To do this, mix a little soy sauce, mayonnaise and squeezed through the press garlic. Add to the ingredients and mix well. The trout should be weakly salted, and unsalted salmon also will approach. Decorate the dish with the leaves of Peking cabbage or arugula.

Not in vain salad "Venice" is considered a personal fantasycooks. It is absolutely unique and always special. Now you also know how to prepare several kinds of salads from pineapples and chicken. And perhaps you'll come up with your own author's recipe! Cook with pleasure and please your home with delicious dishes.

ready-made salad

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