Meatballs: a recipe like that of my grandmother

Preparation of meatballs differs in variety. There are many ways to make delicious and satisfying meatballs. Recipes are distinguished by different combinations of products, gravies and sauces. Everything depends on culinary preferences and fantasy. Some love rice, others with buckwheat; someone likes to fill them with tomato, and others like to add more sour cream.

Stuffing can be used any: from pork, beef, mutton or chicken. To ensure that the balls do not disintegrate, they add eggs, starch, rice or shabby potatoes.

The composition of these products includes virtuallysimilar products used for cooking cutlets. Dish like adults and children. For small gourmets it is possible to make meatballs of fancy shape, in the form of hedgehogs with funny muzzles. How to cook meatballs delicious and beautiful?

Meatballs with gravy from tomato sauce

Meatballs: a recipe like that of my grandmother

Today you will learn how to make meatballs with deliciousgravy. Surely, in childhood, this dish was one of the favorites that my grandmother prepared. Today you have the opportunity to please your children with a fragrant and useful treat! We decided to slightly diversify the traditional recipe and give it a little eccentricity.

Necessary ingredients:

Meatballs: a recipe like that of my grandmother

  • stuffing - 400 g

  • cottage cheese - 100 g

  • one egg

  • garlic - 4 cloves

  • onion - 3 pieces

  • bread - 150 g

  • tomatoes - 2 pieces

  • Bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs

  • carrots - 1 pc

  • starch - 1 tbsp. l.

  • tomato paste - 2-3 tbsp. l.

  • ketchup - 4 tbsp. l.

  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.

  • broth - 300 ml

  • cake flour

  • Salt, black pepper and greens to taste

Meatballs: a recipe like that of my grandmother

Cooking method:

  1. Two cloves of garlic and one onion inblender or grate. Mix the resulting mixture with minced meat and bread, previously soaked in milk (do not forget to squeeze the crumb of excess liquid).

  2. Add the egg, cottage cheese, salt, pepper and sprinkle with spices. Well knead the "dough". As a seasoning, hops-suneli, Italian herbs, nutmeg are perfect.

  3. Roll the meatballs suitable for you size. Each round dipped in flour and fry in vegetable oil.

  4. Now prepare the sauce. Finely chop (or grind) the remaining garlic, tomatoes, onions, peppers and carrots. Preheat well a frying pan and fry the onion along with the carrots, like a roast. Add to them pepper, tomatoes, soak for a couple of minutes and pour in the ketchup with sugar and salt. Stir, hold on the stove for a few more minutes.

  5. Dissolve the starch in water (50 ml) and pour into the sauce. Also pour the broth and mix. Grind the greens and drop them there. Stew on fire for 7-10 minutes.

  6. Now it's time to put the meatballs in gravy. It is important that they completely "drown" in it. Cover the container with a lid and cook. We cook meatballs for 15-25 minutes.

Meatballs: a recipe like that of my grandmother

It is very tasty to serve with any side dish: pasta, rice, mashed potatoes, buckwheat or other porridge.


Meatballs: a recipe like that of my grandmother

Take note:

  • the taste turns out to be more saturated, if mincemeat for the meatballs is prepared independently. To do this, you just need to scroll through the meat grinder several kinds of meat;

  • bread for minced meat is preferable to use not too fresh, but slightly stale, otherwise the meatballs will be too sticky;

  • that the forcemeat became strong and did not fall apart during the cooking, it must be repulsed. Throw the mixture several times on a table or directly into a bowl;

  • experiment with the sauce: add various spices, sour cream, vinegar. You can make it sharp "Mexican", or it can be more gentle.

Meatballs: a recipe like that of my grandmother

Now you know how to cook meatballs! Enjoy the wonderful taste!

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