Slim dough for pizza
What kind of dough is needed for pizza? Of course, subtle! A real, fragrant, delicious pizza is obtained only if the base is thin enough and has its own unique and taste-independent flavor. There are a million recipes for pizza dough. And on what you choose, depends on the final quality of the product. The best solution is to try several recipes of the test: on milk, on kefir, on sour cream, yeast and fresh. And decide what is right for you according to the ratio of taste to time spent and forces.
- Slim dough for pizza in a hurry
- Classic dough for yeast pizza
Recipe number 1. Slim dough for pizza in a hurry
This recipe for a pizza test is different in thatyou do not have to roll it and dirty your hands in flour, it turns liquid like pancakes, and just pours into shape. Very simple and convenient way, and most importantly - fast. But, unfortunately, it is far from the classical way of kneading the dough.
Necessary ingredients:
- flour (the highest grade) - 1.5 tbsp
- kefir or low-fat sour cream - 1 tbsp
- chicken egg - 2 pieces
- baking soda - ¼ st. l.
- salt - to taste
- vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.
Cooking method
- In kefir or sour cream, add egg, salt, soda. All mixed.
- We put the sifted flour.
- Mix everything with a mixer at medium speed for five minutes
- Pour the vegetable oil and beat whisk by hand.
- Lubricate the form with oil, sprinkle with breadcrumbs, so that the pizza can be easily removed.
- We put in the oven for 5-7 minutes attemperature of 180 degrees. The main thing at this stage is to take out the form with the dough, when it is covered with a dry crust, but does not become rosy. This is necessary in order to lubricate the surface with sauce and put the ingredients on top.
- Put the product in the oven for 15 minutes at a temperature of 150 degrees. And your masterpiece is ready!
Recipe number 2. Classic dough for yeast pizza
Pizzaillons (masters for pizza making withItalian) prepare a basis from a yeast dough and necessarily in the furnace, stoked with firewood. All the canons of preparation of classical pizza are difficult to observe, but you can cook real yeast dough. Having learned to cook the best dough for pizza on yeast, adjusting the thickness of the base, you can be sure that no matter how you experiment with the filling, you will get a pizza.
Necessary ingredients:
- milk - 1 tbsp
- dry yeast - 50 g
- egg - 1 piece
- olive oil - 3 tbsp. l.
- salt - 1 tsp.
- sugar - 1,5 tbsp. l.
- flour - 3 tbsp
Cooking method
- Warm the milk in a microwave oven or in any other way.
- In the milk, fall asleep yeast and sugar, mix everything and slowly stirring constantly (it is more convenient to mixer), add a half cup of flour.
- In another bowl, beat the egg with salt and olive oil.
- Combine the contents of the two bowls and add the remaining one and a half cup of flour. Carefully mix everything and knead the dough with your hands.
- Leave the dough covered with a napkin in the refrigerator for one hour. Thanks to this, it will become elastic and supple.
- Roll out the base and spread the filling.
As you can see from the recipe, cooking technologyThe classic pizza dough is not that difficult, but it takes a lot of time. But the taste of the basis will turn out so refined and pleasant, just like real masters. It's not for nothing that they cook in Italy itself, where every year they hold a grandiose celebration dedicated to this seemingly simple but so satisfying and tasty dish.