Egg Diet for a week

Why is the diet called "egg"? Everything is very simple. The main products that can be eaten throughout the diet are eggs. Therefore, if you are allergic to this product, sorry, but stick to it you will not work.

What is the essence?

One egg contains almost 14% of the daily protein norm. This is a rare, absolutely natural product, which includes amino acids, antioxidants, zinc, iron, potassium, phosphorus, vitamins A, B, D. But at the same time only 70 calories are soft in one egg. They are well absorbed and saturate the feeling of hunger, are tasty enough and available. The most effective and effective are two- and four-week diets.

Egg Diet for a week

General recommendations

Before you go on any diet, consult withdoctor. Before starting a long mono-diet, it's best to try a few days, if a particular product suits you. There is a weekly diet, which you can try at the beginning. Its essence lies in the fact that for a day you can eat 3-4 eggs, alternating them with grapefruits or oranges. That is, they ate an egg, in an hour - a grapefruit, and so every hour. Drink plenty of water, herbal tea or green tea. It lasts only seven days, but if you strictly adhere to it, the result will definitely make you happy (3-4 kg will go easily).

Diet for 14 days

The menu of a two-week diet is more diverse, butalso quite tough. Breakfast will remain unchanged: two eggs, tea or coffee, half an orange. Take food only until 18.00. It is also important to drink plenty of fluids. If you really want sweets, then you can pamper yourself with 1-2 teaspoons of honey. Those who passed this diet, do not hide that it is quite strict, but the result is worth it. Some dumped from 7 kg, and it's only 14 days. True, you will not want to cook scrambled eggs. So, here is an example of the first week:

As you can see, the menu allows someadjustments. You can choose varieties of cheese, fish, as well as fruits and vegetables to your taste. In order to achieve a greater effect, prepare the dishes better for steaming, grilling, baking or cooking.

Egg Diet for a week

The second week is almost the same as the previous one, but with some nuances and amendments:

Egg diet for four weeks

One of the most complex and radical is thefour-week egg diet. But, judging by the reviews and photos, people lost about 20 kg on it. It all depends on your initial weight and build. Breakfasts remain the same. After 18.00 it is forbidden. Do not forget to consume enough clean water without gas. With an exemplary menu you can find out below:

We will weigh all the pros and cons

Of course, the huge plus of this diet is itssimplicity. The daily diet allows to improvise and invent something new, thus creating interesting and tasty dishes. It is also quite satisfying, and the feeling of hunger will not constantly torment you. You can quickly get used to it, but the result will last long enough.

But this diet is contraindicated in pregnant women andnursing mothers. And also for those who suffer from liver and kidney diseases, because of the high cholesterol content in the eggs. In addition, there is a possibility of bad breath and problems with the gastrointestinal tract. But, having overcome all the troubles, you can achieve the desired goal and find the ideal body. And most importantly - to consolidate and retain the acquired form.

Egg Diet for a week

Impressive reviews

Many women, and even men,imagine an egg diet, leave only positive reviews about it. With her help, people who are overweight, parted with hated centimeters easily and quickly. According to the opinion of nutritionists, when observing the egg diet correctly, you can lose more than 25 kilograms. And most importantly - the result is kept long. Try, perhaps you will also get to recover yourself without much effort. The main thing is striving and self-confidence. We are waiting for your feedback on the effectiveness of this mono-diet.

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