Green diet for weight loss

Summer is the time of vegetables and fruits, which not onlyenrich our body with vitamins, but they can help to lose weight. There are many summer diets based on the consumption of a large number of vegetables and fruits, one of them is a green diet.
What is a green diet is clear already from its name: During this diet, you need to consume as much green fruit, vegetables and greens as possible. Here is just a small part of the fruits, greens andvegetables that can be included in the diet: kiwi, green grapes, green apples, cabbage (white, colored, Brussels), green peas, asparagus beans, cucumbers, green pepper, young zucchini, asparagus, spinach, celery, lettuce, green onions , dill, parsley, sorrel, cilantro ... Of course, before you include in a diet of a product, you need to make sure that you do not have allergies to it.
Of course, for a long time on some fruits and vegetables you can not hold out, so you can supplement the diet with other products that will be the source of essential fatty acids and proteins. You can eat vegetables and fruits of other colors, cereals, lean meat, fish and seafood, skim milk products, eggs, honey, beans, nuts.
What is the effectiveness of the green diet? In green vegetables and fruits, few calories andcarbohydrates, but a lot of fiber. The green diet is low-calorie, but does not cause a feeling of hunger. In addition, cellulose favorably affects the gastrointestinal tract, and the vitamins contained in vegetables and fruits will not allow you to suffer from a deficiency of nutrients. Also, green fruits have a low glycemic index, which means that after their consumption, there is no sudden increase in blood sugar levels.
There is also an opinion that a green diet has a certain psychological effect: green color calms, adjusts to a positive mood. He is associated with health and well-being, gives moral strength to help sustain a diet.
The green diet will help you to lose three to five kilograms for ten days. For the duration of the diet, exclude from your dietfat and fried foods, sugar, and try to minimize the use of salt. Drink plenty of water and green tea or herbal decoctions. Between meals you can have a snack with green fruits. Try to eat as many different fruits and vegetables as possible so that your diet is varied.
Green diet menu: 1 option
Breakfast: green apple, kiwi or green grapes; low-fat cottage cheese (100 g), low-fat yogurt without additives or one boiled egg; a cup of green tea without sugar.
Lunch: a salad of fresh green vegetables and greens with olive oil and a minimum amount of salt.
Dinner: 200 g of boiled fish or boiled chicken breast; salad of green vegetables.
Afternoon snack: salad from green vegetables or fruit salad with low-fat yogurt.
Dinner: braised zucchini; salad of green vegetables.
Before bedtime: a glass of low-fat kefir.
AT 1st, 4th, 7th and 9th days of the diet chicken breast or fish for lunch can be replaced with young stewed zucchini with dill and green onions, and stewed zucchini for dinner - boiled chicken breast or fish.
Green diet menu: 2 option
Breakfast: oatmeal cooked on water, with the addition of grated apple, crushed nuts, honey and lemon juice; a glass of low-fat yogurt or kefir.
Lunch: a few green fruits or a glass of fruit juice.
Dinner: salad of green vegetables; boiled egg; a glass of fruit juice;
Dinner: braised cabbage; a fish; piece of whole grain bread.
Of course, this menu is only approximate: no one says that all ten days need to eat the same thing. Try to make your diet as diverse as possible (choosing, of course, from the foods allowed during the diet).
Before you go on a green diet, be sure to consult a doctor, because mindless compliance with any diet can harm your health.