Oatmeal weight loss dietFor most of us, oatmeal is associatedeither with a traditional English breakfast ("Oatmeal, sir!"), or with the attempts of a teacher in a kindergarten to feed the children to this hateful porridge. And after all oats are very useful for the body: oats broth is treated with digestive diseases, and oat diet for weight loss is much safer than many other mono-diets.

Oatmeal weight loss diet

A diet based on oatmeal isextremely effective mono-diet, which allows you to lose excess kilograms in a short period of time. This is also a fairly safe diet, as it not only does not infringe on the body in terms of consuming vital substances, but also heals it as a whole. Today we will try to understand what the diet with oat flakes is.

Oatmeal diet: the menu

This oat diet for 7 days provides for one clearing day and six directly "oatmeal".

Sample menu for the week

On the eve of the first day, soak 4 tbsp. l. rice in 1 liter of water and leave it overnight. In the morning, cook this rice on a small fire for about an hour, then strain the broth and drink it on an empty stomach. Abstain from eating and drinking for the next five hours, and then you can afford almost any food (excluding fatty, flour and sweet). The last meal should take place 5 hours before bedtime, and in this interval you can drink only water.

The remaining 6 days you must correct yourfood, four times a day introducing into the diet oat porridge, cooked on the water. Oatmeal should be natural, the same applies to cereals - soluble instant cereals are by no means appropriate. You can not add oil, sugar and salt to the porridge, but you can diversify it with a small amount of nuts, dried fruits or honey. You can not wash down the porridge immediately after a meal, but you should drink the recommended 1.5 liters a day. ordinary water without gas. Oat porridge on the water

Diet: oatmeal - cottage cheese - apples

The menu can and should be diversified - after all it is impossiblesix days there is one and the same product! Diet on oatmeal porridge provides for a wide enough choice of what you should afford yourself every day.

Sample menu for the week

In between the use of oat flakesyou can eat fresh vegetables and fruits, abstaining only from potatoes, bananas and grapes. It is allowed to introduce in the diet a certain amount of fat-free cottage cheese. A good day will come if you eat a big apple for a second breakfast, and a little curdle for a mid-morning snack. Such a complex will saturate your body, give you the necessary amount of vitamins, proteins and calcium - one that is not directly in oat flakes. Fruit in the intervals between the use of oatmeal porridge

Oatmeal and yogurt

The menu is also ideal for those who do not intend to abandon their favorite sour-milk products.

Sample menu for the week

As a second breakfast or afternoon snackpamper yourself with low-fat kefir, natural yogurt or whey. In addition to the excellent dietary effect, you will get healthy hair and nails, and this, believe me, is immensely important.

Oatmeal diet: reviews of nutritionists

Experts from around the world believe that a diet withoat flakes is ideal for unloading days. For a long time to stick to mono-diet is very difficult, besides it can lead to a lack of certain trace elements in the body. A moderate approach gives the body extraordinary lightness and health.

Oatmeal diet: feedback from our readers

Our readers are mostly very satisfiedresults: the diet allowed to lose 3-5 kilograms per week. In addition, those who suffered from gastrointestinal problems experienced significant improvement in digestion. No wonder that oatmeal is praised as a sorbent. Oatmeal diet photo

Be healthy!

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