Diet of Ekaterina Mirimanova - "Minus 60" system - menu, recipes, reviews

Ekaterina Mirimanova is a writer who isalso the author of a very popular system of losing weight "minus 60". This name of the diet is quite justified - Catherine managed to get rid of 60 extra pounds in 1.5 years, without having to give up her favorite products and take special medications.

The diet menu of Ekaterina Mirimanova "Minus 60"

The basis of the diet - three meals, to each of thewhich are subject to special requirements. The first - until 12 o'clock in the day, when you can eat everything you want, without any restrictions on the composition of dishes, and the amount of food. The only exception is milk chocolate.

For lunch (no later than 14 hours) should be refusedfrom roast and smoked in favor of cooked or grilled products. It is undesirable to eat potatoes and pasta, especially in combination with meat or fish, you can replace them with buckwheat, rice or vegetable garnish. This applies to the first dishes, it is better to cook them without adding potatoes or pasta. Preferred desserts are fruits, especially pineapple, kiwi, watermelon, citrus, plums.

The third meal is dinner, which should benot later than 18 hours. It is forbidden to eat fried foods, any butter and fats. The author offers seven optimal combinations of products for dinner:

Table of products for the "Minus 60" diet

- fruits and vegetables (except potatoes, aubergines, pumpkins, peas, corn and avocados);

- cereals and vegetables (except for those listed above);

- fruit and cereals;

- fruits and low-fat dairy products (with the exception of cheeses and yogurt);

- vegetables and low-fat dairy products (exceptions are the same as in other groups);

- dairy products and crisps (thin rye crunches);

- meat and fish of low-fat varieties, except for sausages.

In addition to the right choice of products, it is importantadherence to the drinking regime. Daily it is necessary to drink at least two liters of liquid. Not only water, but also juices (up to 18 hours), coffee, tea, red dry wine, milk drinks are allowed.

Additional rules for the diet of Ekaterina Mirimanova

In addition to the recommendations pertaining to everydaydiet, Ekaterina Mirimanova draws attention to sports. Daily exercise is mandatory, while they can not be debilitating, enough gymnastics, swimming or cycling. Important and special care for the skin, which as a result of weight loss may lose elasticity. Masks, scrubs, massage - the main ways to maintain the elasticity and youth of the skin.

Recipes of the "minus 60" diet

The author of the diet also offers recipes for dishes that will help you lose weight. Here are just some of them.

1. Salad with pineapple (suitable for dinner)

  • Cabbage - 200 grams;

  • A pineapple

  • Chicken or turkey (boiled fillet) - 300 grams

  • Salt

  • Vegetable oil - 2 table. spoons

  • Mustard - a teaspoon

Chop and grate the cabbage with salt, mix with chopped chicken and pineapple slices, salt and season.

2. Pepper and cheese

  • Bulgarian pepper - 2 pieces

  • Two boiled eggs

  • Cheese - 200 grams

  • Dried basil, salt

  • Vegetable oil

  • Toothed garlic

Eggs and cheese are rubbed, mixed with crushed garlic and salt. Peel the pepper, fill it with a mixture, put it in a greased form, sprinkle with basil and bake for 20 minutes.

3. Pilaf with quince

  • Rice - 500 grams

  • Bulb

  • Quince large

  • Carrots - 2 pieces

  • Garlic - 2 cloves

  • Vegetable oil - 100 ml

  • Salt, cardamom, herbs, pepper

Cut carrots into strips, and onions - half rings. Fry the vegetables in oil in a cauldron or frying pan with a thick bottom. Add chopped large quince, rice, garlic, seasonings. Pour water (2 centimeters above the level of rice). Simmer under the lid on low heat for forty minutes.

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