Margarita's discharge diet "9 days" by the Queen

Margarita Koroleva is a nutritionist, not knownonly in Russia, but also abroad, the creator and director of the clinic of aesthetic medicine, which was one of the first to develop individual weight loss programs. Her 9-day diet is not simple, but effective and at the same time balanced, that is, allowing not only to lose weight, but also to avoid the appearance of health problems.

The basic principles of the 9 days diet

The basis of the system of weight loss, developedMargarita Queen, - separate food, which is why the entire 9-day cycle is divided into three periods. In the first three days, you need to eat foods rich in carbohydrates, in the second - with proteins, the third stage - foods rich in fiber. In addition, the nutritionist promotes fractional meals, that is, at least five meals a day, but in small quantities. The last of them should not take place later than 18 hours; if the feeling of hunger in the evening is very sharp, then you can afford a cup of green tea with honey.

Products containing a large amount of carbohydrates(macaroni, bakery and confectionery), are completely excluded from the diet. At the same time, it takes a lot of liquid (at least 2.5 liters of still water or herbal tea). However, drinking water in the process of eating, as well as immediately after it, is prohibited, a break between eating and drinking - at least an hour.

Finally, you can not overeat or starve - and thenand the other is equally harmful both for the effectiveness of the diet and for health. To make the feeling of satiation come faster and last longer, it is important to chew food slowly, not combining food with watching TV and reading.

The menu of the nine-day diet Margarita Queen

As already mentioned, the 9-day diet of Margarita Koroleva suggests a combination of three mono-diets, each of which must be adhered to for three days.

1. The first stage - rice diet, when allowed to consumeonly rice, cooked, however, in a special way. In the evening, it should be washed, damped with cold water, and in the morning cooked for 15 minutes on low heat, without adding salt. A glass of rice is eaten for breakfast, the rest is distributed in equal portions for the whole day. It is allowed to use rice of any sort, including the most useful wild.

2. The second stage - chicken days. A hen weighing about a kilogram is brewed without salt, beforehand it must be removed from the fat and skin. Meat is divided into several portions, by the number of meals during the day.

3. The third stage - Vegetable days. You can eat 800 grams of any vegetables, both raw and boiled (you need to cook without adding seasonings and salt). The exception is salted, pickled, pickled vegetables; salads are not forbidden, but here from any refuellings it is necessary to refuse.

Fixing the results of the diet of Margarita Koroleva

To the kilograms lost as a result of a diet,Do not come back, you need to play sports. True, during the diet itself, the author does not recommend increasing physical exertion, because in itself such a diet is quite extreme for the body. In addition, still have to follow a fractional diet.

The best way to cook food is to steam;It is recommended to eat meat or fish not more often than once a day (preferably for lunch). Even after exiting the diet, it is recommended to exclude flour and sweet products, and to maintain the achieved results it is necessary to arrange a kefir day (1.5 liters of kefir per day) once a week. And the most important - before you go on a diet Margarita Queen, you should consult a specialist, since there are many diseases that are contraindications to it.

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