The Usama Hamdi DietTo lose weight, very often women try onediet after another. The hope to lose weight for ever dies after the end of the diet, when the weights with such difficulty are returned again. The mistake is that most diets are designed to reduce the amount of food consumed. But diet of Usama Hamdiy is based on a change in metabolism in the body.

The diet of Osama Hamdiy can be called strict, since During the month, all recommendations should be followed. If you make the slightest mistake, you eatforbidden fruit or vegetable, change places meals or even refuse one of them at all, then the diet should start again. But if, within a month, you managed to follow Hamidiy's diet regime without mistakes, then the result will be fixed for a long time. In addition, you yourself will see that you lose enough weight without reducing the amount of food consumed. Do not believe me? Then check the effectiveness of the diet of Usama Hamdi.

The diet of Osama Hamdi is interesting because she has no contraindications. Everyone can follow a diet,to lose weight, but also just to establish chemical processes in the body. But still people with chronic diseases from the diet should be discarded. In addition, during the diet, you do not need to take various vitamins or supplements, because all the useful substances you need the body you will receive only from food.

During a diet, you must follow certain rules. It is forbidden to drink any soda and alcohol. From drinks in any quantity coffee is allowedor tea without sugar, mineral water (without gas), compotes and juices without sugar. Only vegetables should be cooked in water. During cooking, you can add salt, pepper and other spices. If any lean meat is indicated on the menu, it means that you need low-fat meat, but not a chicken. Lamb is forbidden. Prepare the meat either on a grill or in a frying pan, but without the addition of fat and even vegetable oil.

From vegetables you can eat everything, except potatoes. If the diet menu says "any cookedvegetables ", then you can eat all the vegetables that you want. If the menu says "boiled vegetables", then you can eat only one type of cooked vegetables. It can be either carrots, or zucchini, or string beans. In general, anything at your choice. Fruits also have their own limitations: you can not eat bananas, dates, figs, grapes and mangoes.

Seriously consider the choice of cheese for a diet. When the menu shows "low-fat cheese", then this cheese with a minimum amount of fat, which you can find, but not more than 16-17% fat. Cottage cheese for a diet should also be taken low-fat.

Eggs diet of Osama Hamdi

The diet of Osama Hamdiy always begins on Monday, so that it will be easier for you to follow all the directions. In the first week, breakfast diets are always the same: 1-2 boiled eggs and a half of orange or grapefruit.

Dinner: any boiled vegetable in the quantity you need for saturation
Dinner: toasted or boiled lean meat

Dinner: toasted or boiled chicken (no skins)
Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, vegetable salad, toast, large orange or grapefruit

Dinner: low-fat cheese, tomato and toast
Dinner: toasted or boiled lean meat

Dinner: any kind of fruit (one) until saturation
Dinner: toasted or boiled lean meat

Dinner: 2 boiled eggs and boiled vegetables
Dinner: boiled or toasted fish, lettuce leaves, large grapefruit or orange

Dinner: any kind of fruit (one) until saturation
Dinner: toasted or boiled lean meat

Dinner: toasted or boiled chicken (without skins), boiled vegetables, tomatoes, large grapefruit or orange
Dinner: boiled vegetables

In the second week of the diet, breakfast will be the same as at the first.

Dinner: toasted or boiled lean meat and lettuce leaves
Dinner: 1-2 boiled eggs and a large grapefruit or orange

Dinner: toasted or boiled lean meat and lettuce leaves
Dinner: 1-2 boiled eggs and a large grapefruit or orange

Dinner: toasted or boiled lean meat and fresh cucumber
Dinner: 1-2 boiled eggs and a large grapefruit or orange

Dinner: toasted or boiled lean meat, low-fat white cheese and boiled vegetables
Dinner: 1-2 boiled eggs

Dinner: toasted or boiled fish
Dinner: 1-2 boiled eggs

Dinner: toasted or boiled lean meat, tomatoes, large grapefruit or orange
Dinner: salad of apple, mandarin, peach and orange dressed with lemon juice

For lunch and dinner: toasted or boiled chicken (without skins), boiled vegetables, tomatoes, large grapefruit or orange

We begin the third week of a diet. Here in the menu there are some changes.

Monday: any fruit

Tuesday: any vegetables

Wednesday: any fruit and vegetables

Thursday: toasted or boiled fish, lettuce, white cabbage and boiled vegetables

Friday: toasted or boiled lean meat, chicken fillet, boiled vegetables

Saturday and Sunday: one kind of fruit of your choice

The last, fourth, week of diet begins.

Monday: 1/4 boiled chicken, 3 fresh tomatoes, 4 cucumbers, 1 tuna can in its own juice, toast and a large grapefruit or orange

Tuesday: 200 g boiled low-fat meat, 3 tomatoes, 4 cucumbers, toast, large grapefruit or orange

Wednesday: 1 tbsp. l. low-fat cottage cheese, a small bowl of boiled vegetables, 2 tomatoes, 2 cucumbers, a toast, a large grapefruit or an orange

Thursday: half boiled chicken, 3 tomatoes, 1 cucumber, toast, large grapefruit or orange

Friday: 2 boiled eggs, 3 tomatoes, lettuce leaves, large grapefruit or orange

Saturday: 2 boiled chicken fillets, 150 g low fat cottage cheese, 2 tomatoes, 2 cucumbers, toast, large grapefruit or orange, curdled milk

Sunday: 1 tbsp. l. fat-free cottage cheese, 1 can of tuna in its own juice, a small bowl of boiled vegetables, 2 tomatoes, 2 cucumbers, a toast, a large grapefruit or an orange

After 4 weeks, while the diet of Osama lastsHamdiy, you drop a minimum of 20 kg. In addition, the achieved result will be fixed for a long time if you followed all the recommendations correctly. Notice that this was an egg version of the diet. There are also cheese diet Usama Hamdiy, which is slightly different from the egg.

The Usama Hamdi Diet
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