The Six Petals Diet

The effectiveness of mono-diets (diets based onany one product) is known to everyone. But, unfortunately, the diet of such diets does not contain enough vitamins, minerals and nutrients. Swedish nutritionist Anna Johansson has developed a diet that is comparable in effectiveness to mono-diets, but lacks a number of their shortcomings. it diet "six petals".
The "six petals" diet is, in fact, six mono-diets replacing each other in a certain sequence. Each mono diet lasts one day, so the diet of Anna Johansson is designed for six days. During this time, you can lose up to five kilograms of excess weight.
The diet of "6 petals" is built on the alternation of protein and carbohydrate food. The first, third and fifth day of protein (fish,chicken and curd). The second, fourth and sixth, respectively, are carbohydrate (vegetable, cereal and fruit). To ensure that the diet is most effective, it is important to strictly follow the sequence of days. Do not change places for two days, even if they are both carbohydrate or protein.
Why Anna Johansson's diet was called"Six petals"? Everything is very simple! To make it easier for you to memorize the sequence of mono-diets, you need to draw on a large sheet of paper a flower with six petals. Cutting the flower along the contour, on each of the petals write the day number and the corresponding mono-diet. Flower hang in a prominent place (for example, on the refrigerator) and every evening tear off the corresponding petal from it.
Why do we need this flower? The thing is that Anna Johansson considered the psychological mood and motivation an important component of an effective diet. The flower will not only help you not to mistake the monodiet sequence, but will also remind you of your goal, as a result, the diet will be much easier to transfer.
So, what will be the ration of each mono-diet? AT first, fish, day you can eat any kind of fish. It can be boiled, stewed or baked, you can also drink fish broth without vegetables. Fish can be seasoned with salt, spicy seasonings, herbs. You can drink water, black or green tea without sugar.
In second, vegetable, day eat any vegetables. They can be eaten raw, cooked, stewed or baked. You can add vegetables to greens, a little salt and mild spices. From drinks are allowed water, vegetable juices, green and black tea without sugar.
chicken mono-diet. It is allowed to eat white chicken meat in a stewed,boiled or baked with greens and a small amount of salt and spicy spices. You can drink chicken broth without vegetables. Drinks - as on the first day.
Fourth day - cereal. It is allowed to eat any porridge, also in the menu caninclude bran, fiber, seeds, cereals, sprouted seeds and grain loaves. Salt and greens are allowed. From drinks - traditional water and teas, but besides them we also allow domestic kvass.
The fifth day of the diet "6 petals" - curd, on this day you will eat cottage cheese of medium fat and milk. Drinks are allowed the same as the first day.
Finally, completing the diet "six petals" fruit mono-diet. On the last day of the diet, you can eat any fruitin a raw or baked form. It is allowed to season fruits with vanilla, cinnamon and lemon zest. To the water and tea, fruit juices are added, but only without sugar (so it's better to cook them yourself, and not to buy in the store).
During the whole diet, sugar and sugar-containing products are prohibited, it is also desirable to refuse coffee, and if you can not do it at all, reduce coffee consumption to a minimum.
The alternation of days is built on the physiological characteristics of our body, due to this, high efficiency is achieved. Wherein the diet "six petals" is fairly balanced and relatively easily tolerated.
Please note that Before you sit down on this diet, as well as on any other, it is necessary to consult a doctor. You can not repeat this diet more than once every four months. From frequent repetition of efficiency will not increase, but you can earn health problems.
The Six Petals Diet easy enough not only due to carefula balanced balanced diet, but also by taking into account the psychological aspects of losing weight. If you have not been helped by other diets, do not despair: perhaps Anna Johansson's diet is what you need.</ p>