Color Diet

A colorful diet is given to many very easily. If most different diets are built onprinciple of reducing carbohydrate or protein foods, then you can not deny yourself practically nothing. But still you should not forget that you are not just amusing yourself, but trying to lose weight, so exclude products such as potatoes, bananas, flour, sweet, etc. In general, everything that should be abandoned with conventional diets . Then within a month you will be able to get rid of 10 kg (in case you really really restrict yourself from everything). But even without strict restrictions in the consumption of food, you can in any case be able to lose a few extra pounds.
A colored diet is built on the principle that every day you have in the menu should be products of a certain color: yellow, red, green, orange,purple, white. Do not forget that in many cases the color is only conditional. In nature there are no ideally purple products. Therefore, the entire list of products is given only so that you can navigate through the colors. Also it is worth considering that in this diet there is still a so-called colorless day. It is a hungry or unloading day, during which you can drink only mineral water without gas.
Menu of the color diet
Monday - white products. Any day of the week you can independentlymake up your menu based on the list of products. On the first day of the week, eat white products: cottage cheese, kefir, white cheeses, milk, onions, cauliflower, white beans, cabbage, fish, egg white.
Not all white products are suitable for a diet, as they have a high calorie content. So, macaroni, rice, potatoes, sugar, salt, cream, ice cream, etc. should be excluded from the menu.
Tuesday - products of red color. For a full day menu, choose onlyproducts of red color: any red berries, Bulgarian pepper, red wine, tomatoes, red beans, red meat (pork and beef), red juices, karkade tea, watermelon, pomegranates, cranberries, beets, red grapes, red apples ... There are a lot of red products, so you definitely do not face hunger. In addition, beans and tomatoes are quite substantial foods.
Medium - green products. On this day, attention should be paid to leafvegetables: lettuce, green onions, spicy herbs, broccoli, kohlrabi, Brussels sprouts, zucchini, rhubarb leaves, celery stalks, kiwi, cucumbers, green apples, grapes, green peas, beans, seaweed, lime, green tea. Remember that green foods are rich in magnesium and chlorophyll, but they do not contribute to weight loss, so do not get too carried away on that day.
Thursday - products of orange color. Orange is one of the brightest days inyour menu. Choose for this day such products: mango, sea buckthorn, carrots, papayas, pumpkins, peaches, yellow tomatoes, apricots, oranges, tangerines, dried apricots, orange bell peppers, persimmons. You can eat as many foods as you want, but just be careful with dried apricots. All dried fruits are very caloric.
Friday - products of violet color. In nature, there are not so many products that are idealpurple, so you will have a relatively scarce menu. On this day you can eat aubergines, blue grapes, blueberries, blackberries, plums, black currants, purple onions. In products of violet color there is no danger to your figure. But the violet color itself can slow down the metabolism.
Saturday - products of yellow color. Today you are again waiting for a variety in the menua colored diet, because there are a lot of yellow foods: yellow juices, pineapple, yellow plums, peaches, pears, lemons, honey, ripe cheese, egg yolks, corn, zucchini, yellow apples, turmeric, mustard. Yet some products, such as millet, corn, honey and egg yolks, it is better not to get involved.
Sunday is a colorless day. It is allowed to drink only mineral water without gas.
Color diet is not only different in its variety of products, but also with flexibility. You do not need to follow the order of colors in the days of the week. The main thing is that you must have six full meals and one fasting day. If you can not hold a fasting day on Sunday, arrange it on any other day of the week. In the rest, the color diet is not very strict.