How to choose meatMeat, like fish, vegetables and fruits, you must be able tocorrectly choose. Whether you buy a frozen or fresh product, in any case, you want to get quality meat, which does not spoil the broth, cutlets or shish kebab. And so that you will never be mistaken, the Land of Soviets will tell you, how to choose meat.

Today, meat can be bought in the store, and atmarket. For some, it will be preferable to go to the store, but in fact a better product is on the market. In the store very often the whole lot of purchased meat is not sold. And in order not to write off the goods, sellers can quickly "resuscitate" spoiled meat. This product is dangerous to eat. But not only in the store, but also in the market, you need to look closely at the meat that you choose. After all, and there you can sell the meat of an old animal or stale goods not of the first freshness. So how to choose meat?

To begin with, remember that the meat that enters the laboratory for quality control is classified according to its thermal state. Paired - this is the raw meat of an animal that was killed less than 3 hours ago. Such meat is still warm and its can not be eaten. The paired meat has a specific smell, taste and is very tough.

The meat can only enter the market in cooled down, when after the slaughter of the animal more than 3 hours passed, but not more than a day. If during this time the product is not sold, then it should be chill or freeze. Chilled meat can be stored for no more than 48 hours. The cooling process takes place at a temperature of 0-4 ° C. Freeze the meat at a temperature of -30-40 ° C in special freezers.

How to choose pork

When we understand the classification of meat, we can proceed to its selection. Let's start with pork. When buying pork on the market, pay attention to the animal's skin. She must be white. This indicates that the animal was healthy. But the various stains or yellowish color skins about anything good does not say.

Pork meat can vary in color. The young pig has meat of pink color. With the age of the animal, the meat darkens. If you have dark meat that is covered with a film, then such a product will be dry and hard. Good pork meat should be dense, elastic, cut at a cut similar to marble (due to fatty veins). Also, the meat should not have any smell.

How to choose beef

When choosing any meat, there is one regularity: the younger the animal, the lighter the meat will be. So with beef. The lighter the veal before you - the younger the animal was. Beef will be darker. In general, the color of beef can vary from bright red to reddish-brown. When choosing meat pay attention to the color of the fat layer. In veal, it will be white, in beef - yellowish. If you see on the meat the outer fat layer, which is separated by a film, then you have the meat of an old animal.

How to choose lamb

Lamb is considered one of the most valuable speciesmeat, but at the same time only young sheep and sheep (up to 18 months) or specially fed animals (up to 3 years) are taken for food. Again, the color of the meat differs depending on the age of the animal. The young lamb has light pink meat, but in an adult animal, quality meat should be brownish red or pale red. Meat of an old animal with yellow fat is betteruse only for stuffing. Such meat is very sinewy. By the way, fat is not used in food at all, because it gives off a not very pleasant aroma during heat treatment.

How to choose a chicken

How to choose chicken meat? This is another question to which the Country of Soviets will answer. It is best to buy homemade chicken. Farms of chickens are fed varioushormonal supplements, which explains this rapid growth of the bird. Superfluous hormones are not necessary for us, therefore it is better to buy a quality chicken in the market. But here, pay attention to some things when choosing a carcass.

The skin on chicken carcass should be smooth, free of blemishes, bruises, bruises and feathers. Examine the carcass if she elastic, smooth, dry, and on the cut the meat is slightly moist and has no unpleasant odor, before you fresh chicken. On the carcass you can also determine the age of the chicken. In young chickens, the tip of the pectoral bone will be cartilaginous, if pressed on it, it will easily bend.

Remember that when choosing any type of meat, pay attention to three things: appearance, smell and elasticity. Good fresh meat should be normal color, without mucus and not have a greenish shade. From the meat should not go unpleasant or sour smell. Good meat has a pleasant smell. Elasticity is another indicator of the freshness of meat. This test is also used when choosing chilled fish. Push your finger on the meat. Formed dimple should disappear in a couple of seconds. If the hole remains, and the liquid accumulates in it, it only says that the process of decay has begun in the meat.

Now you know how to choose meat. Use these rules to avoid getting a poor-quality product. Remember that low-quality meat can cause poisoning, infection with parasites or infections!

How to choose meat
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