Cabbage with cucumber for the winter

Recipes for pickles and salads from cucumbers and cabbageExtremely many, because this is perhaps the two most popular vegetables that are harvested for the winter. You can, as an option, stock up on cabbage and cucumbers for the winter, cooking them separately, and then simply combine in a variety of salads.

However much more rationally the whole saladcook at once and simply put on cans. This will save you at once from two problems: first, during the harvesting you can do everything at once, and, secondly, in the winter you do not have to keep two cans open at once, in order to prepare some salad.

A recipe for cabbage with cucumbers

To prepare this type of salting, we need: 3 kilograms of cucumbers, 10 kilograms of cabbage, as well as a kilo of carrots and a large bunch of dill umbrellas, and, of course, salt.

For this recipe recipe, cucumbers are recommendedtake only a small size, green and dense. Please note that this recipe for cabbage with cucumber can be easily changed. If you do not plan to store too much conservation, you can always reduce the amount of ingredients used, at least two, at least three times, the main thing is to do it in proportion.

Before preparation is recommendedrinse thoroughly all vegetables in cold water, and, the lower its temperature, the better (especially this is important for cucumbers, then they will be more crispy). We start with shred cabbage, then we clean the carrot and rub it on a large grater or we cut it with thin straws. Now they need to be thoroughly mixed, and the cabbage itself should be kneaded slightly, but not severely.

At the next stage we begin to lay cabbage andcucumber in layers. And on the lowest layer it is necessary to lay cabbage, and already on top of it cucumbers. Lay the layers must be tight enough. After laying each layer it is necessary to salt it well and put dill there. Continue so until the dishes in which the salting will take place, will not fill up or you will not run out of vegetables.

Cabbage with cucumber for the winter

The topmost layer of cabbage is covered with a napkin,paper towel or any other food paper, and already on it we establish any oppression. As a cargo, depending on the size of your dishes, you can use a jar or a pot of water. Actually, this recipe for cooking cabbage with cucumbers ends, now you just need to wait until the cabbage leaves the juice.

However, in some cases, liquids for starteris not enough. To reveal it it is possible already in 2-3 days - in the event that juice does not cover cabbage completely, it is necessary to add brine to it. And the brine is prepared quite simply - for each liter of water we add a couple tablespoons of salt and a glass of sugar.

All this is brought to a boil, let it cool down andpoured into our bowl with cabbage. The exact amount of brine that you may need to specify is difficult enough, because it is necessary solely for the liquid to completely cover the cabbage. After the liquid has formed and completely covered the vegetables, wait another week and remove the press.

Now the capacity can be safely cleaned in a coolplace and leave there to wait for the winter. This method of harvesting will allow you to prepare a cabbage salad with cucumber in just a few minutes in the winter, because only the onions and sunflower oil are added to the products already available.

Author: Katerina Sergeenko

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