Marinated mussels
Seafood is still not as popular asin Europe, but it's a pity. According to their nutritional properties, seafood dishes are often not inferior to meat, and the benefits from them are much greater. In particular, mussels are very useful for our body. They can be cooked in different ways - for example, pickled mussels.
Marinated mussels are very good on their own (especially with beer), but they can also be used for making salads, pilaf, paella, risotto and other dishes. The Country of Soviets offers you several recipes pickled mussels.
Marinated mussels
In order to prepare marinated mussels according to one of the simplest recipes, we will need:
mussels in shells - 1 kg
water 100 ml
vegetable oil - 50 ml
white 8% vinegar - 30 ml
dill - 2 sprigs
garlic - 1 clove
sugar - 1 tbsp.
Smoked ground sweet paprika - 0,5 tsp.
black pepper, bay leaf, lemon peel - to taste

Mussels are purified from algae, we put insaucepan, add lemon zest, bay leaf and cover the pan with a lid. We hold the mussels on fire until all the shells are fully opened. During this time, the mussels need to be mixed several times. We take the mussels out of the shells.
Now we are preparing marinade. To do this, mix the vinegar with water, spices and sugar, bring to a boil and cool. We fill the mussels with marinade and put it in the refrigerator for a day. Before serving, we prepare the spicy oil: the heated vegetable oil is mixed with paprika and finely chopped garlic, let it cool. Before serving, we water mussels with this oil.
Marinated mussels with white wine
To prepare marinated mussels with white wine for this recipe, we will need:
frozen mussels - 300 g
dry white wine - 100 ml
vegetable oil - 50 ml
lemon juice - 2 tbsp.
honey - 1 tsp.
mustard - 1 tsp.
cilantro - 1 tsp.
finely chopped dill - 1 tsp.
bay leaves - 1 pc.
garlic - 1 clove
salt, pepper - to taste

Mussels are thawed and thoroughly washed toremove remains of algae and other debris. Pour the wine into a saucepan, add to it a bay leaf, black pepper-peas and garlic. We bring the wine to a boil, we put defrosted mussels in it and cook for three minutes.
Now you can start cooking marinadefor mussels. We need to mix the vegetable oil (olive oil is best), lemon juice, honey, mustard, coriander, dill, salt and pepper. We put the warm mussels into the prepared marinade and leave it for at least three hours.
Bon Appetit!