Tomatoes stuffed with vegetablesTomatoes, green salad, mayonnaise, carrots, peas, onions and peppers are all that you need to make tomatoes stuffed with vegetables.

For stuffing

Mayonnaise - 80 g, carrots - 1 pc., onion - 1 pc., sweet pepper - 1 pc., peas green canned - 3 tbsp. spoons, vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. spoon, parsley greens - 0.5 bunch, salt to taste.

Cooking method

Tomatoes are washed, the tops are cut off, the flesh is carefully taken out with a spoon.

Carrots are washed, cleaned and rubbed on a large grater. Onions are ground and passeed together with the flesh of the tomato in vegetable oil. Pepper is washed, seeds and stems are removed and cut into strips. Products combine, add green peas, chopped parsley greens, salt and dress with mayonnaise.
The resulting stuffing is stuffed with tomatoes and laid on a dish with lettuce leaves.

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