Chicken broth with flour dumplings
Chicken broth will be even tastier, if you fill it with flour dumplings. Therefore, we offer you a recipe for the preparation of chicken broth with dumplings.

Chicken broth with flour dumplings

To prepare the broth, you will need:

  • 1 chicken

  • 50 g of green onion

  • 1 bunch of green parsley

  • sol to taste

  • For dumplings:

    • 50 g of butter

    • 0.5 glasses of water

    • 100 g of wheat flour

    • 3 eggs


    1. Dressed, singed and washed chicken putі pan, add purified giblets (except liver and heart), put on a strong fire and bring to a boil. Remove foam, salt, put in one bundle of green onions and parsley. Reduce heat and cook on very low heat. Broth the broth, let it boil, put dumplings in it; when they rise to the surface, turn off the fire.

    2. Preparation of dumplings: Salted water and butter boil and immediately pour all the flour. Stir so that there are no lumps, and, turning off the fire, leave on the stove so that the mass gradually cools down to the temperature of fresh milk. In a warm mass one at a time rub eggs. Take a dough with a teaspoon and dip into boiling soup. You can weld dumplings separately in boiling water, rinse with cold water, dry and allow to boil in the broth.

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