How to cook soup with dumplings?

Soup with dumplings is a dish that you candiversify the daily diet of their family. And if suddenly my mother-in-law or mother-in-law comes to visit, then it's not a shame to treat this simple, but tasty soup. Ukrainian, Belarusian, Russian cuisine are known for dishes with dumplings. We suggest you learn how to make soup with dumplings. It is rich, rich and at the same time not too high in calories.

Chicken soup with dumplings

Soup with dumplings is cooked on request on water or onmushroom, fish, meat broth. It's chicken soup with dumplings that kids love best. They like to catch balls of different shapes from their plates. This dish is very mouth-watering and light. Balls can be made from mango, flour, potatoes. Below you will see a description of the classic recipe for chicken soup with dumplings.

How to cook soup with dumplings?

Ingredients for cooking:

  • chicken broth - 2 liters

  • bulb - 2 pieces

  • carrot 2 - pcs

  • potatoes - 5 pcs.

  • peppercorns, bay leaf, dill

  • egg chicken - 1 pc

  • salt

  • vegetable oil or cream

  • flour - 7 tbsp. l.

  • milk.

How to cook soup with dumplings?

Soup with dumplings: recipe

To prepare the broth, thoroughly rinse the chicken meat (soup set from the chicken) and pour cold water. When it boils, remove the foam and leave to simmer on a small fire.

That the broth was fragrant and rich, throw in it one whole peeled onion and carrots. From the seasonings put a laurel leaf, two peas of sweet pepper. Cook for 40 minutes.

When the broth is cooked, pull out the chicken, carrots and onions from the pan. Disassemble the chicken, leave pieces of meat. And carrots and onions can be thrown away.

Cut the potatoes into small cubes and cook inbroth for 12 minutes. When it boils, salt. While potatoes are brewed, finely chop the onion and grate the carrot with straws. If you want to cook a diet dish, you can do without roasting. Throw carrots and onions with potatoes. And if in your family you are more fond of roasting, then first fry the onions, throw it into the soup, and then in the same oil fry the carrot and put it too.

Next, you need to prepare dumplings for soup. To do this, separate the egg yolk and mash it with soft butter. Then gradually add milk and flour. So you will get an elastic dough without lumps. It must be slightly salted. Protein from the egg whisk in a foam and add to the dough. Stir the dough well. Its consistency should be slightly thicker than sour cream.

Take two teaspoons. One drop into the broth and then use it to take the dough. With the second spoon, help shape the balls and throw them into the soup. After this, cook the dish for 5 minutes. All balls must surface.

At the end, throw chicken meat and dill greens. Try and if necessary salt, pepper. Serve a ready-made dish with breadcrumbs or toast.

How to cook soup with dumplings?

Some tips

If you cook a dish without roasting, at the very end throw a gram of 50 butter. So your dish will be more aromatic and rich.

When cooking the broth, you can throw in it an uncleaned well-washed bulb. Then the color of the broth will be amber.

For broth it is better to use not the chicken's meat itself, but such parts of it as wings, cervix, legs. Broth will be more expensive.

When forming the balls, use tea, not table spoons. When the dough is welded, it will become larger. So do not type too much.

It is important to guess with the density of the dough, so that your dumplings turn out to be tender and airy, and not sticky and oak. Do not overcook, otherwise they will be watery.

For a family with young children dumplings are betterto cook from semolina. The recipe for dumplings for soup is this: throw in the boiling water of the rump and cook a couple of minutes, then put in the flour and stir well. When the mixture has cooled, add the egg. Separate on the board, forming a thin sausage and cutting off small pieces with a knife.

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