Baked fish in the oven under the tender sauce

In modern cooking there are many dishesfrom the fish in the oven. They are not just hearty and delicious, but also dietary. The fish is rich in essential fatty acids, phosphorus, vitamins and trace elements for the human body. The presence of nutrients exceeds even the content in many types of meat. This product must be present in the diet.

Bake fish in the oven is easy, the main thing to observesome rules. In addition, cooking takes very little time, which is very convenient for busy housewives. Especially delicious are such types of baked fish: trout, sardines, merou, carp, hake, mackerel, herring, lufar, halibut.

Fish, baked in the oven, is often supplementedvarious vegetables and other ingredients. It can be poured with sour cream, sauce or even milk. It is very tasty to sprinkle top with cheese and grease with a small amount of mayonnaise. Also with all sorts of perfectly combined lemon.

Today you will learn how to bake fish in the oven with potatoes. Stick to our step-by-step recommendations - and get a delicious treat for the whole family!

Baked fish in the oven with potatoes

Baked fish in the oven under the tender sauce

For cooking, any variety is suitable, but not very greasy. We will use potatoes and milk sauce. Such a dish will decorate your table and delight guests with an incredibly delicate taste!
Necessary ingredients:

Baked fish in the oven under the tender sauce

  • fish fillet - 800 g

  • potatoes - 8-10 (medium size) pcs

  • onion - 2 pcs.

  • sour cream 10% fat content - 250 g

  • milk - 300 ml

  • hard cheese - 100 g

  • wheat flour - 2 tbsp. l.

  • spices, salt, ground pepper

Baked fish in the oven under the tender sauce

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the potatoes and cook it whole. A bit later we will have to bake it, so we do not need to cook completely, but to a slightly firm state. Thus, it does not fall apart during further processing.

  2. Rub onion on a grater (medium) and lightly fry. Pour the flour directly into the frying pan to the onion and simmer for another 2 minutes, then immediately pour the milk into the mixture and bring to a boil. Salt and pepper.

  3. Cut the fillets into small portions. You can sprinkle the top with lemon juice and sprinkle with your favorite spices. Do not overdo it so as not to break the taste.

  4. Slice the potatoes on the plates. Pour on a baking sheet of vegetable oil and lay on the surface of potatoes, and on top - pieces of fish. Pour out our milk sauce. Put in the oven, heated to 200-220 degrees for half an hour or slightly longer. Do not cover the top with a lid or foil, as we need to get an appetizing crust. Often look into the oven, perhaps cooking will take less time.

  5. Scrunch the cheese on a large grater and for ten minutes before cooking evenly distribute it over the dish.

Baked fish in the oven under the tender sauce

Done! Garnish with greens and slices of lemon, serve hot. Bon Appetit!


Follow these recommendations and then, your fish masterpieces will always be at the highest level:

  • when buying, pay attention to the appearance of the fish. It should have a smooth and shiny scales, covered with mucus, clear eyes and a pleasant smell;

  • clean from the tail and towards the head. To gut it is necessary accurately. Try not to touch the gallbladder so that bitterness does not spread to the meat;

  • You can not separate the tail, fins and head. It depends on your wishes;

  • After cleansing, be sure to wash the carcass with cold water (inside too);

  • so that the dishes are not soaked with a smell, pre-lubricate it with vinegar or lemon;

  • perfectly combined with lemon, lime, parsley, celery, rosemary, basil, marjoram, fennel, coriander, nuts, sage, garlic, white mustard, thyme, melissa, peppermint.

Baked fish in the oven under the tender sauce

Experiment with the recipes of fish in the oven and eat for health!

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