Secrets of delicious fish cooking in foil
Options for baking fish in foil in the ovenan impressive amount. This is understandable, because the dishes are not only delicious, but also simple in cooking. In addition, you still need to try to spoil the dish. This is still not an open fire, and the foil, in part, protects the product from excessively high temperatures and does not allow it to overdry or burn.
Features of a fish baked in foil
Before proceeding with the description of specific recipes, it is worthwhile to give some interesting facts and features of this method of preparation.
when preparing a river fish, thoroughly wash it, clean it and gut it. Before cooking it is very important to treat it in a thermal way, otherwise you risk settling in your body parasites;
do not be afraid to start baking non-thawed sea fish, there is nothing terrible in this, and the taste will not be reflected strongly;
Spices can be placed directly in the foil. In addition, there is also planted with greens, fruits or vegetables, onions;
garlic and pepper - excellent seasonings for sea inhabitants, and in general any spices will approach, all depends on you;
lemon gives a ready-made dish an inimitable shade of taste, besides it is excellent for marinade, as well as soy sauce;
when the fish is too dry, add butter to the abdomen - it's fine if you cook whole or oil the pieces, and put a piece under the foil.
Of course, this is not all the nuances of cooking seafood, but only a small part of them. Remember, basically everything depends on your own sense of taste.
The process of cooking fish in foil
The process itself can be described very briefly: clean, wash, regime into pieces or leave the whole, open the foil and put the fish on it, add seasonings and salt to taste, lemon juice. It is advisable to put the lemon directly in the foil, on slices of fish. We wrap and fasten the foil, set the temperature and put it inside the oven. We are waiting for our yummy to cook.
By the way, when preparing foil, it is very convenientdivide it into so-called "sectors", thereby dividing the total area into several branches, for each guest. The point is that the amount of seasoning and salt, as well as some additional dishes, such as greens, garlic or onions, come to everyone who will participate in the meal.
The recipe for fish in the oven
For cooking you need: whole salmon or trout, any spices, for your taste, butter, preferably olive, parsley and lemon.
It is necessary to gut the fish by gently slitting the belly. We wash everything thoroughly and dry it;
Inside, we shred finely chopped lemon and parsley, add olive oil;
We close the abdomen with the help of sticks or special clips, and the fillet from both sides is wiped with spices at its discretion;
We wrap the fillets in foil so that there are no holes left;
We put the oven on 170-190 degrees;
As soon as she warmed up, we put our fish there and wait 40 minutes;
A few minutes before the final readiness, it is necessary to open the foil and brush the oil with a brush, then cover again, leaving it to bake until ready.
Enjoy your meal! Rejoice yourself and your loved ones with juicy and tasty baked fish in foil in the oven!