Baked salmon - find out the best recipes here!
Salmon is a salmonid fish. In the modern kitchen, it is incredibly popular due to its taste and price qualities. Steaks are cooked from it, they are used in Japanese cuisine, as well as all kinds of heat treatment. Such a dish, like salmon baked in the oven with potatoes and cheese, is one of the most popular in the entire post-Soviet space. This type of fish is large enough. An adult can reach one and a half meters in length and half a centner in weight.
In addition to taste, the salmon is also veryuseful product. Before preparing the salmon in foil, you should know that it contains a huge amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3, vitamins A and B12, as well as other important microelements. In addition, fish is an excellent source of protein, regardless of the way it is cooked. You can fry it, although this will make it more fatty and saturated with cholesterol. However, if you decide to cook salmon with baking, your attention is offered to the most popular and proven recipes.
Salmon in the oven: a simple recipe
Tender fish meat that melts in the mouth. This is how this dish is characterized by everyone who at least once tried it. For anyone who does not want to spend more than an hour in the kitchen, this recipe will be the most suitable. For cooking you will need:
fish 800-900 g
onion - 2 pieces
Butter - 35 g
carrots - 2 medium pieces
lean milk - 200 ml
half a lemon
cheese of firm grades - 30 g
Salt, pepper, greens and spices - to taste.
Before you cook salmon in the oven, youit is necessary to clean it thoroughly, rinse and remove all the insides, as well as bones. After you cut it in half, you should get 2 equivalent pieces of fish fillets. You them salt, pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice, and add the spices you need. The fillet is prepared - you can put it in the baking dish. Onions and carrots are cleaned, washed, then crushed. Onion is best cut into half rings, but the carrot is best chopped with a blender or with a grater. Then they are fried in butter in a small frying pan. The next step is a ready, roasted roast spreads on the prepared fillet. All this you must pour milk. The mold should be covered with a lid or, for lack of it, with a special foil. 40 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees, your fish is preparing yourself. 5 minutes before the signal you need to get it and sprinkle with chopped cheese. Ready salmon sprinkle with finely chopped herbs - your dish is ready!
How to cook salmon "in a royal way"
If the previous recipe was the simplest and,so to speak, without frills, then this dish is not in vain called "royal." Its decoration will serve as a sauce, which, as the chef says, is half the success of the dish. In order for your fish to turn out, you need the following products:
Salmon - 1 kg
lemon - ½
olive oil - 3 tbsp. l.
greens, spices.
And for the sauce you will need:
sour cream 150 g
mayonnaise - 150 g
mustard - 1 tsp.
cucumber - 1
egg - 2 pieces
greens, spices.
Fish must be processed, cleaned and dividedfor 4 servings (steaks). Season. Lemon, like greenery, is used for decoration, but some are laid out on the bottom of the mold. Beforehand, it is necessary to pour out the oil. Then lay the fish and the remaining lemon in the form and set aside for 2-3 hours in the refrigerator. The next step is to heat the oven to 200 degrees and place our salmon there. As soon as you see that the fish has started to prepare - make medium fire and bake for about half an hour.
Separately light the preparation of the sauce. Eggs are boiled hard and crushed. Cucumber is cleaned and cut into cubes. The greens are crushed. All this is mixed in a separate bowl with all the other ingredients. Salt, pepper to taste.
Bon Appetit!