Cake Grafskie ruins in the multivark

Today almost every kitchen hasThe multivarker is an indispensable assistant to the modern hostess. With her, almost any dish is cooked faster and tastier, in addition, there is no need to worry that the food will burn, the milk will run away, and the pasta will dissolve.

Of course, with the help of this miracle machine, you cancook not only hot dishes - mistresses successfully use it and for cooking a variety of desserts. Among the many options we offer a recipe for the cake "Grafsky ruins" with a meringue in a multivark.

Necessary ingredients:

  • flour - 250 g

  • condensed milk - ½ jar

  • sour cream 250 g

  • sugar - 250 g

  • cocoa - 3 tbsp. l.

  • eggs - 2 pieces

  • soda slaked - 1 tsp.

For cream:

  • sour cream - 400 g

  • sugar - 150 g

Cake Grafskie ruins in the multivark

For glaze:

  • cocoa - 3 tbsp. l.

  • Butter - 30 g

  • sour cream 150 g

  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l.

For meringues:

  • egg whites - 5 pcs.

  • sugar - 10 tbsp. l.

  • salt - a pinch

Cake Grafskie ruins in the multivark

For protein cream:

  • egg whites - 2 pcs.

  • powdered sugar - 100 g

Cooking method:

  1. First of all, mix all the ingredients for the cake - beat the sugar with eggs, add sour cream, cocoa, condensed milk, flour and soda, mix everything thoroughly.

  2. The bottom and sides of the bowl are oiled and we pour the resulting chocolate mass there.

  3. We select the "baking" mode and leave for an hour.

  4. We open the lid only after the signal sounds, that the time has come. We remove the cup and first let the cake cool down.

  5. While the biscuit is cooling down, you can do cream forfuture "ruins". For him, beat up sour cream with sugar - it's done pretty quickly, and the cream turns out to be quite light, unlike the cream in oil with condensed milk, for example. We will remove it while in the refrigerator.

  6. It's time for meringues - a few know howcook meringue in a multimark redmond, for example, and it's not as difficult as it might seem. So, chilled proteins are beaten with sugar and a pinch of salt until a stable white foam appears. We cover the bowl of the multivark oil and neatly put the future meringues on the bottom - you can make it a teaspoon or use a confectionery bag. Now turn on the "baking" mode for half an hour - when the signal sounds, do not open the multivarker immediately, so that the meringue does not fall out. As you can see, the meringue recipe in the multivarquet is very simple.

  7. For meringue, we need a protein cream, which is done very quickly and simply - we mix whites and powdered sugar with a mixer. You can add any shredded nuts to your liking.

  8. Now you can restore the "ruins". Biscuit cake carefully cut into two parts, promazyvaem their cream with cream, including the sides - cream do not regret. Now we get the meringue - every thing from below we lubricate the protein cream and lay it on the cakes, forming a cone from them. Protein cream, too, do not regret, let him be a lot. Gently pour the slide glaze - it's cooked in a saucepan, just bringing all the ingredients to a boil. Cake is better to clean for several hours in the fridge so that the cakes are soaked and the cream is frozen.

Cake Grafskie ruins in the multivark

In the same way, you can cook any cake withmeringue in a multivark - the recipe is simple enough, no extra hassle! If in your kitchen there is this amazing machine-assistant, use all its functions - cooking cakes in the multivark is easy and pleasant!

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