Cake Grafskie ruins - step-by-step photo-recipe
Many mistresses have long appreciatedfamous cake "Grafskie ruins" and prefer to bake it myself. So much more interesting - you can experiment with products, today make a cake with meringue, and tomorrow with nuts, add prunes or do not waste time and bake a simple biscuit version.
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A recipe is often found in whichCondensed milk is needed for both the cake and the cream - of course, it turns out delicious, but somewhat difficult - yet the cake itself is quite high in calories, and the condensed milk aggravates the situation. We offer you a step-by-step recipe, in which there is no condensed milk, but the taste will surpass all expectations!
Step-by-step photo-recipe: the necessary ingredients
For the cake:
- flour - 2,5 tbsp
- cocoa - 2 tbsp. l.
- egg chicken - 10 pieces
- baking powder - 2 tsp.
- sugar - 2.5 tbsp
- vanillin - pinch
For cream:
- sour cream - 500 g
- sugar - 1,5 tbsp
For glaze:
- Butter - 50 g
- sugar - 50 g
- sour cream - 3 tbsp. l.
- cocoa - 3 tbsp. l.
- vanillin - pinch
- nuts for decoration
Cake "Grafski ruins": the way of cooking
- We carefully beat eggs with sugar and vanillin -use a mixer or blender, so the foam will be more magnificent and airy. Gradually add flour and baking powder - continue to beat, so that there are no lumps.
- Half the resultant test is poured into another cup, add cocoa powder to it and mix again well.
- Bake biscuits in the oven at a temperature of 25 minutes at 200 degrees - one remains light, the second chocolate.
- Chocolate cake cut into cubes - you can, by the way, andtriangles, so the cake will get a more interesting shape. Light cake cut in half - that is, carefully cut off his top, which is also cut into pieces.
- Cream is prepared by beating sour cream with sugar.
- To prepare the glaze in the saucepan, we mix sour cream, butter, vanillin, cocoa powder and sugar - keep it on low heat, wait until it boils, and remove from the plate. Do not forget to stir the glaze.
- Now we collect the cake - as a basis"Ruins" we use the same light cake - generously smear it with sour cream, then we take for chocolate and light cubes-triangles - depending on which form you chose. Each piece of biscuit dip in the cream - to make it well soaked, and spread on the base. Take into account that from the triangular pieces you will get a more "sharp" cake - try to spread them out so that you get a kind of cone, or a few small cones - yet these are the ruins of the castle of the Count, and the more the result will resemble the consequences of the war, the more interesting.
- When all the pieces of biscuit are soaked in cream andlaid on the base, you can remember about the glaze - gently pour the sponge cake with a thin stream of chocolate until the result is right for you. Shredded nuts (you can just chop them in a mortar) perfectly decorate the resulting cake - just do not get carried away, you should be able to see the chocolate glaze and the snow-white sour cream.
Cake "Grafsky ruins", step by step recipewhich we offered you, will not disappoint even the most fastidious sweetheart. Do not be afraid to experiment and add food to your taste - perhaps this sweet dish will be your crown for family celebrations!