Mediterranean dietRecently, Mediterranean cuisineis gaining increasing popularity. Even in our latitudes it's hard to find a cafe or restaurant where you would not serve a Greek salad. There was even such a concept as Mediterranean diet.

The Mediterranean diet is not a way to "lose ten kilograms in three days", it's more likely a typical Mediterranean food system. The term "Mediterranean diet" was introduced by Margaret and Ancel Kay in the middle of the 20th century.

The Mediterranean region is at least 16 countries surrounding the Mediterranean Sea. Of course, each country has its own food traditions, conditioned by the difference between cultures and religions, but there are also general characteristics on which the Mediterranean diet is based.

  • In the Mediterranean countries, fruits, vegetables, potatoes, nuts, seeds, beans, bread and cereals are actively used for food.

  • Among the vegetable oils, the palm tree belongs to the olive: it is used for frying food, and as a dressing for salads and other dishes.

  • Fish and meat are eaten moderately. Heavy meat (lamb, beef, pork) is used quite rarely, but regularly. The bird and eggs are eaten much more often, but not necessarily daily.

  • Often eat low-fat yogurts and cheeses such as feta or mozzarella.

  • In large quantities, eat fresh vegetables and fruits, greens.

  • Together with food in moderate quantities, wine is consumed (except for Muslim countries).

  • Sweets are not eaten every day.

The daily ration is distributed as follows:

  • carbohydrates - 60% (bread, vegetables, fruits, pasta)

  • fats - 30% (mainly olive oil)

  • proteins - 10% (fish, meat, legumes)

In addition, the Mediterranean diet implies active lifestyle.

Often, the Mediterranean diet is presented in the form of a pyramid showing the distribution of food products depending on the frequency of their consumption. The base of the pyramid is bread, pastaproducts, cereals and potatoes, as well as fruits, vegetables, beans and nuts, olive oil, yoghurts and cheeses. These foods can be eaten daily. The second "tier" of the pyramid is food that is eaten on average once a week: fish, poultry, eggs and sweets. The top of the pyramid is red meat, which is eaten less often than once a week (about once a month).

Mediterranean diet - one of the most paradoxical. Despite the fact that the daily diet of residentsThe Mediterranean contains a large amount of fat, it reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and excess weight. This is due to the fact that fats come to the body mainly from olive oil, and the diet mainly consists of their cereals, fresh fruits and vegetables.

The Mediterranean diet may well take root in our latitudes. All products that are common for residents of the Mediterranean region, it is quite possible to get and we. If you are attracted to a Mediterranean diet, you should make the following changes to your daily diet:

  • Replace the sunflower, cream and other oils that you use for cooking, with olive oil.

  • Include in your diet as many fresh vegetables as possible: they are very useful for the body, but contain few calories.

  • As sources of protein, consume fish and poultry. In fish, in addition to protein, contains also essential fatty acids. But do not fry fish or poultry very much.

  • Reduce the consumption of heavy meat (beef, lamb, pork) to an extremely rare, but completely eliminate it from your diet is also not worth it.

  • Do not forget about legumes and nuts: they are rich in protein.

  • Instead of sweets, eat fresh fruit for dessert. However, once a week you can treat yourself to a cake or a piece of cake.

  • From dairy products, give preference to low-fat yoghurts and cheeses such as brynza, feta, mozzarella, Adyghe, etc. They need to eat every day.

  • Drink at least six glasses a day water. You can drink up to two glasses of red wine a day, unless you have contraindications to it.

The Mediterranean diet is an excellent example of a balanced healthy diet. Try it - suddenly it will suit you?

Mediterranean diet
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