Chocolate Diet
Rejoice, sweet tooth, have thought up a diet and for you. "Chocolate Diet"already quite tasty sounds. Although, you should not flatter yourself beforehand. The undoubted advantage of the chocolate diet is a quick result in a short time, in 7 days weight loss is up to 7 kilograms. The chocolate diet consists in the fact that during the day you can eat up to 80 grams of chocolate or chocolate bars, and drink only coffee without sugar with skim milk. By itself, coffee accelerates the metabolism, which leads to more intense weight loss.
Chocolate is one of the best stimulantswork of the brain, any student knows that during the session, coffee and chocolate are an indispensable thing. This plus of the chocolate diet is obvious - you quickly lose weight, and at the same time your thinking activity does not suffer in any way. Also, chocolate is recommended for anemia and colds, because it increases the body's immunity. In this product, or rather in cocoa butter, contains powerful antioxidants that slow the aging of the body. Regular milk chocolate is one of the most high-calorie foods - 545 kcal per 100 grams. Caloric content of pure chocolate without additives is slightly less - 540 Kcal. In white chocolate, there is almost no cocoa butter, so it, like chocolate on sugar substitutes (for diabetics), is not recommended for this diet. It is best to carry it on bitter chocolate. Chocolate diet has some limitations: it completely prohibits sugar and salt, the use of vegetables and fruits, as well as juices, carbonated water and drinks (they cause an increased appetite), and, of course, alcohol.
So, your menu for the day. Breakfast: 30 grams of bitter chocolate (without raisins, nuts, etc.) and a cup of unsweetened coffee. Dinner: 30 grams of bitter chocolate and a cup of coffee. Dinner: 30 grams of bitter chocolate and coffee. The intake of any liquid (water, green tea) is possible no earlier than 3 hours after the reception of chocolate and coffee. The minimum fluid used should not be less than 1.2 liters (more preferably more) per day. If you find it hard to eat this way for 7 consecutive days, then you can quite arrange yourself "chocolate unloading days"With exactly the same diet.
Chocolate diet is contraindicated to people,suffering from diabetes, allergies, liver diseases, as well as in the presence of stones in the gallbladder or ducts (cholelithiasis). Also, it will not bring anything good in the presence of arterial hypertension (you may not know about the presence of this disease - the first signs are like normal overwork). The decisive factor here is not chocolate (it raises slightly the pressure), but a large amount of coffee. In principle, such a diet is not much different from starvation, because you eat very little food, and also drink coffee on an empty stomach. If you get dizzy, bad mood, irritability during the chocolate diet - you should stop it. Despite the attractiveness of the name for sweet tooth, the chocolate diet is quite stiff and low-calorie, besides it is only permissible for people who do not have any health problems. Do not repeat this diet more than once a month.