Cake with green onionsFor many of us the word "pie" is associated inFirst of all with dessert. In fact, there are a huge number of recipes for pies with unsweetened fillings - meat, fish, and vegetable. The country of the Soviets will tell you how to cook pie with green onions.

Cake with green onions

To prepare this pie we need the following ingredients.

For the test:

  • 300 g of flour

  • 100 g of butter

  • 100 g sour cream

For filling:

  • 500 g of green onion

  • 150 g hard cheese

  • 4 tbsp. l. sour cream

  • 3 eggs

  • 1 Bulgarian pepper

  • vegetable oil for seasoning

  • pepper, salt - to taste

First we prepare the dough. To do this, chop the butter with a knife with flour, rubbing it into a crumb. In the crumb of butter and flour, add sour cream and knead the soft dough. We take a piece of parchment for baking and roll out the dough into a rectangular layer.

My vegetables. We remove the Bulgarian pepper from the seeds. Finely chop the green onions and peppers. Onions are sawn in vegetable oil, add pepper to the pan, mix and remove the vegetables from the fire.

We beat eggs with sour cream, salt and pepper the resulting mixture to taste. If desired, you can add to it finely chopped greens. Hard cheese three on a grater.

Sheet of parchment with the test rolled up on it is transferred to a pan. The baking tray should be slightly smaller than the dough sheet, so that the sides can be formed.

Spread the onions with pepper. Sprinkle the vegetables with grated cheese and pour the egg-sour mixture. We bend to the filling of the dough edge. Put the cake in the oven and bake for about 35-40 minutes at a temperature of 200 ° C.

We remove the prepared pie from the oven, cover with a sheet of parchment and a towel and cool it. The pie should be slightly warm.

Bon Appetit!

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