To make the best boiled pork inAt home it is important not only to choose tasty meat, but also to soak it in the right marinade. As the meat will be baked in the oven or aerogrill with a whole piece, it is important that it is soaked in spices, salt and softer. Marinating helps to bake homogenous evenly, and salt and acid change the structure of meat fibers, greatly shortening the cooking time in the oven. If you still do not know how to cook a boiled pork in the oven (a la "Anton Palych", etc.), then use one of the prepared recipes.

Boiled pork in soy sauce with mustard - step by step recipe

Soy sauce is an excellent base for marinating. It gives the meat a special flavor and aroma, and the remainders of the marinade heated in the foil can then be used as a sauce to make the crust of the ready boiled pork more juicy. For this recipe, choose a beautiful one-piece piece of pork balyk and you will get a chic dish at home using an aerogrill or oven.

Necessary ingredients:

  • pork balyk - 400 gr.

  • boiled water - 300 ml

  • soy sauce - 4 tbsp. l.

  • dry basil - 1 tbsp. l.

  • garlic - 5-6 slices

  • French mustard - 4-5 st. l.

  • mixture of peppers - 10-12 peas

  • bay leaves - 4-5 pcs.

  • salt

Step-by-step instruction

  1. A washed piece of pork balyk put in a deepA bowl or a small saucepan. Fill the meat with warm boiled water. Add soy sauce, salt and spices. Mustard and garlic do not touch. Leave the meat in marinade for 6 hours.

  2. Squeeze the garlic sticks through the garlic and mix with the French mustard in a separate bowl.

  3. Remove the balyk from the marinade and salt it with salt. Place the slice on a piece of foil and mix with a mixture of garlic and mustard.

  4. Wrap the pork in foil and put it in the oven at 190 degrees. After 1.5 hours, open the top layer of the foil and allow the meat almost ready to be baked to a slightly dark crust.

  5. Ready to boil, allow time to cool down, and then serve to the table in combination with fresh or baked vegetables.

Cold-boiled chicken breast - step-by-step recipe

Prepare a boiled pork chicken much easier thanfrom pork. Culinary blogger Alla Kovalchuk offers a special recipe for boiled pork. Chicken meat is much faster baked and there is almost no threat that the fillet will remain moist from the inside. In the same way as for pork and beef, the best basis of the marinade is soy sauce and spices. In the marinade for chicken fillet, the best spices are: turmeric, basil, red pepper and dried garlic. Chicken curry will be very soft and tender. Combine such meat with plum, honey or orange sauce as a delicate delicacy.

Necessary ingredients:

  • chicken fillet - 4 pcs.

  • soy sauce - 200 ml

  • spices for chicken - 1 tbsp. l.

  • salt - 1 tbsp. l.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Chicken fillet in a container or deep bowl for marinating.

  2. Fill the meat with soy sauce. Add salt and spices and leave to marinate for 3 hours.

  3. Soaked in soy sauce and spices fillets separately in foil. Send to a preheated 190 degree oven.

  4. After half an hour unwind the boiled pork from the chicken and bake 30-35 minutes on a grate or foil. Ready dish is better served to the table with whole hot pieces or cooled thin slices.

Horseradish with honey crust - step by step recipe

The Afisha-Food website recommends: honey with mustard create an incredibly aromatic crust for any meat in the oven. For juicy, caramelized boiled pork, not an unleavened balyk, but a fillet part of a pig is used. With the right preparation, the meat is cooked to the best of ruddy and very tasty.

Necessary ingredients:

  • piece of pork fillet - 400 gr.

  • May honey - 2 tbsp. l.

  • French mustard - 2 tbsp. l.

  • mustard paste - 1 tbsp. l.

  • bay leaves - 2 pcs.

  • Ground pepper - 1 tsp.

  • oregano - 1 tsp.

  • boiled water - 300 ml

  • salt - 1 tbsp. l.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Pour meat marinade from boiled water with pepper, salt, oregano and bay leaves. Leave to marinate for 2 hours. In a separate bowl, mix two kinds of mustard and amber May honey.

  2. Soaked marinated meat piece with a mixture of mustard and honey.

  3. Wrap the pork ham from the pork in foil and send it to a preheated oven.

  4. Prepare prepared curry for guests or for a family dinner in a cooled form. Cut the meat into thin slices and pour the remnants of honey-mustard sauce.

We offer you to watch these video-receptions from Anastasia Skripkina - a fragrant tasty boiled pork! Real jam!

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