Meat in the oven: recipes with photos, tips and tricks

Every nation has its own name of a dish of meatin the oven: roast beef - from the English, baked pork - from the Russians, they hurry - from the Mongols, svaynsbraten - from the Austrians and chashushuly - from the Georgians. And all this is because cooking meat in the oven is not difficult, and the result exceeds all expectations. Something more satisfying and tastier than a dish of meat in the oven is difficult to think up.

How tasty to cook the meat in the oven, tips

  • Preparation of products: choose fresh fillet of pork or beef, mutton fillets are difficult to find, so you can take meat and on the bone, a good fit mutton ribs. But still the best ham or tenderloin. To get a fragrant result, take a special set of seasonings. You can buy different seasonings, for example, cumin, zira, paprika, marjoram, caraway, curry and many others.

  • We recommend using a conventional pan,covered with foil. It will protect against burning. Today, technologies allow the use of baking sleeves, this is similar to a conventional plastic bag that does not burn. It will turn out very juicy, but the crusty crust will not come out.

  • If you suspect that meat is tough, then it's betterpre-hold in the marinade for several hours, before baking the meat in the oven. For marinade use any soda water, onion and mayonnaise. There is a secret of eastern pickling, which in addition to the abundance of herbs includes pomegranate. Pomegranate juice, along with salt, softens the fibers, it is necessary to close the pickled food with a foil overnight.

Meat in the oven: recipes with photos, tips and tricks

Recipe for meat in the oven, pork entrecotes

Ingredients for two servings:

  • Pork entrecote - 2 pieces / 0,5 kg

  • onion - 2 pieces

  • potatoes - 4 pcs.

  • salt

  • pepper

  • spice set

  • vegetable oil.

Meat in the oven: recipes with photos, tips and tricks

Cooking method:

  • delicious meat in the oven will be obtained if the entrecotes are fresh, low-fat and without a clear pork smell. Wash the entrecotes and dry them on a napkin, rub them thoroughly with salt, pepper and spices;

  • Peeled potatoes cut into halves, and onions on quarters, salt and send to a baking tray, oiled;

  • put on a baking sheet, on top of the onion meat, so it will be softer, and the onion will be saturated with meat broth;

  • bake at 200 degrees forty minutes, sometimes pouring all the accumulated broth;

  • Serve with herbs and sauces.

Meat in the oven, roast beef recipe

Roast beef is translated as baked beef. This is a native English dish. Moreover, the inhabitants of the foggy Albion consider it to be their national pride. By the ability to cook roast beef, they determine the level of mastery of the cook. And in fact, it is rather difficult to cook it. Since it takes a long time to heal and requires a weighty one-piece piece that is difficult to bake. But we must immediately decide for ourselves what kind of roast meat you can eat, because often roast beef with blood.

Meat in the oven: recipes with photos, tips and tricks


  • beef tenderloin -1 kg

  • mustard

  • garlic

  • spice.

Cooking method:

  • before baking the meat in the oven, it is necessaryit's good to work. To begin with, we choose a fillet lying in the sub-zero temperature for about 5 days. Well, if the piece is from the lumbar muscle, there are no connective fibers, which provides softness;

  • with garlic, we roll it tightly into a cushion and fry it in a frying pan in order to seal the juice;

  • smeared with mustard, roll in spices and on a baking tray, oiled;

  • bake for 20 minutes at 250 ° C, and another half hour at 150 ° C.

Bon Appetit!

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