Potatoes with meat in the oven: how to cook delicious?

Potatoes are a product, a favorite people forexcellent taste, for nutritional value, for versatility. There are a lot of ways to cook potatoes with meat. And one of the most popular is the recipe "meat with potatoes in the oven." This dish has a truly festive taste, but it also looks very appetizing.
Potatoes with meat in the oven
- 250 g of beef
- five potatoes
- 100 g of cheese
- mayonnaise
- various spices
- greenery.

Cooking method
Beef fights off, sprinkled with salt and pepper. Potatoes are cleaned and cut into small slices. Then the beef is laid out on a baking sheet and covered with a layer of mayonnaise. After that, evenly covered with peeled potatoes.
Meat with potatoes is kept in the oven at a temperature of about 200 degrees for half an hour. A quarter of an hour before cooking, the pan is removed to sprinkle the potatoes with cheese, grated in advance.
Now you should already finish the golden crust for about the same time. After the potatoes in the oven with the meat were taken out of the oven, the dish is sprinkled with greens.

Some Tips for Cooking
In addition to the basic recipe for potatoes with meat, a largemeaning will have tips that will help make dishes as tasty as possible. Here a lot will be conditioned by which meat will be given preference. The thing is that the beef needs to be kept longer than the pork. In addition, it takes longer to process.
Whichever option is chosen, it is necessaryact as follows. If the meat is chilled, then all you need to do is remove all the rigid films and divide it into the required number of parts. The thickness of the pieces is about one centimeter.
Important point: meat products are divided only across the fibers. The obtained pieces are processed with a special hammer. Frozen product must be thawed, then prepared in the same way. Then send the marinated.

The whole procedure will take no more than thirty or fortyminutes. For the marinade you need a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, as much soy sauce, two tablespoons. l. vegetable oil, salt and pepper - at discretion. It is advised to use a little greens as well.
All components are mixed, thenthe resulting mass is applied to meat pieces. They are put in a bowl, which is closed with a lid. After 25-30 minutes the product, as they say, comes and will be ready for cooking in the oven.
Preparation of potatoes
To cook baked potatoes with meatsuitable tubers of medium size. The amount of potatoes exceeds the meat several times. The tubers are washed, the peel is cut off, after which they are cut. If the hostess is planning potatoes baked in layers, then the sliced pieces must have a round shape.
The thickness of each piece does not exceed two to threemillimeters. And if in the plans to cook fried potatoes with meat, then each tuber is divided into six parts, i.e. cut vertically and crosswise.
Summarizing, we can say that cooking baked potatoes with meat in the oven is different for its ease and speed.