appetizing pancakes

Pancakes are almost universal dish! Recipes and ways to feed them so great that everyone can pick up for themselves exactly what he likes. But what an ill luck - not every hostess they get. Next, consider one wonderful recipe with which your dish will always be amazing. And you, as a mistress (or master), will always be on top!

How to bake pancakes on mineral water?

This recipe for pancakes is simple enough, but very interesting. What is needed for this?

Necessary ingredients:

  • flour - one and a half cups

  • mineral water - about a glass

  • milk - two thirds of a glass

  • one egg

  • vegetable oil and a half tablespoons

  • salt, sugar soda - a half teaspoon each

Cooking method

Step one. All the dry ingredients - flour, salt, soda, sugar - are mixed in a convenient container.

Step two. In another bowl we mix all the "wet" ingredients. We beat the egg with a fork or a whisk, add vegetable oil to it, then pour in the milk, and then water.

Step three. In the dishes with dry ingredients, slowly begin to pour in a mixture of wet, constantly carefully mix the fork or whisk. If the dough is thick - add mineral water.

Step four. We put the frying pan on the fire and wait until it warms up well. We pour in a portion of the dough and spin the frying pan so that it all rises well over the entire surface.

Step five. After the underside of our pancake was browned, turn it over to the other side and fry for about half a minute. Then shift it to the plate and proceed to the second one.

That's the whole way of making pancakes. You can now do with them whatever you want - stuff, just eat like that, make a pancake cake or "kurik". With this dish, any of your fantasies will become reality.

way of cooking pancakes

How correctly to bake pancakes?

For baking, it is best to use a frying pan with a thick bottom and fry at medium temperature.

If your frying pan is uncoated, its before eachpancake should be smeared with vegetable oil or a piece of fat. To do this, half a tuber of peeled potatoes of medium size to prick on a comfortable fork, grease this half, moistened in vegetable oil, the surface of the pan. A piece of fat should also be pricked on a fork and lubricated with a frying pan, just try to take a bigger piece so that you do not scratch the surface with a fork, or the frying pan will be hopelessly spoiled.

When bake a large number - eachsmear with butter while it's still hot - it will melt and well soak up the pancake. But try not to stack them with a slide one on top of another, under the pressure of the upper ones, the lower ones can strongly "stick together", and it will be difficult for you to separate them later. It is best to add them in triangles (in half, then again in half, and again twice) and spread on the plate "fan."

If instead of milk you add juice to the doughbeets, turmeric solution or spinach juice - the baking will turn out to be multi-colored. It just looks great in pancakes, both salted and meat, and sweet fruit.

To ensure that your dough is always homogeneousand without lumps, let him stay at least half an hour under the food film in a cool place. The dough after such "proofing" turns out to be very homogeneous and elastic. Baking from it will be thin and transparent.

In the time of our grandparents, ifmistress did not get a recipe for pancakes, there was one secret: one of the relatives began to say to her with a stern voice: "Why do you grow so shy, everything spoils and falls!" After these words, for some reason, it always worked.

Here's a simple recipe for pancakes and a few tips on how to bake pancakes on milk. Good luck in your kitchen! And let you never and nothing will be a "lump"!

pancake baking

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